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"You can't let her get under your skin."

Finn said as I sighed.

"Could've said the same thing to you about Aaron."

I said.

"Well that's different."

Finn retorted.


"Because he hurt you."

"Don't you think she's hurt me?"

"She didn't break you."

Finn said as I sighed.

"I wanna fight her. I wanna fight her so bad."

I said, cracking my knuckles.

"Well you don't need suspended. And don't you already have a match booked for Wrestlemania?"

Finn asked.


I said, rolling my eyes. I took a deep breath and sat down next to Finn.

"I hate them. I just hate them so much Finn."

I said, rubbing my head.

"I know baby. Just have hope in karma and hat they will get it one day. Sasha will learn how abusive he will soon. Unfortunately, it might just have to take her getting beat up by him for her to learn."

Finn said, cuddling me in his arms.

"I just can't believe she's with him. She had such a great life. Great friends. Great daughters. Great boyfriend. And she threw it all away for him."

I said with disgust in my voice.

"Some people just have to learn. She'll learn. I promise. Just don't worry about her."

Finn said. I sighed, knowing he was right. I just wish there was some way to save her from herself...

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