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1 Week Later

"You can stand there with those crutches all day it doesn't mean I'm gonna use them."

I said, looking at Finn.

"C'mon Bay. Just try them."

"I don't want to."

I said, crossing my arms.

"C'mon. You have to walk at some point. The doctor said it would be good to try and walk on the crutches."

Sasha said.

"I told you both that I don't wanna use those stupid crutches. Now get them away from me."

I said, glaring at them.


Finn said, putting them against the wall. I sighed, laying in bed.

"So, hows your stomach feeling."

Finn asked, looking at my beaten and bruised stomach.

"It hurts. I just hope it gets better before I get back in that ring once my knee gets better."

I said, looking at Finn and Sasha. They exchanged looks as I narrowed my eyes.


I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Bay, you aren't gonna go back right when your knee is healed."

Sasha said.

"Why not?"

I snapped at her.

"Bayley, you went through a very traumatic experience."

"It's not the first time. I'll be fine. I just need to get in the ring."

I said, cracking my knuckles. Then something hit me.

"I have to give up my title. I worked so hard for that thing and now I gotta give it back."

I said, starting to cry.

"Shh Bay. It's okay."

Finn said, hugging me.

"It's not okay! Nothing is okay! Don't you get that?"

I yelled, pushing him away.

"Nothing is okay."

I said, covering my face.

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