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2 Weeks Later

"I'm gonna spoil them!"

Sasha said, poking my tiny bump. I laughed as I rested my head back onto the bed. I had no energy recently and I always laid in bed.

"I'm sure they're gonna love their aunt Sasha."

I said with a smile.

"Good. Cause I already love them."

Sasha said. I pulled my shirt up halfway and smiled at my bump.

"You look so cute pregnant. I didn't look cute."

Sasha said as we laughed.

"Please. I'm gonna be 3 times the size this time."

I said, rolling my eyes.

"You're still gonna look cuter then when I was pregnant with Sav. The way I carried that weight was so weird. I looked like I stuffed a watermelon under my shirt."

Sasha said as I laughed.

"Thank god we're friends again. I couldn't do this without you."

I said to Sash.

"Of course. I should've listened to you in the first place. Aaron was shit and I'm so glad he's out of the picture now."

Sasha said.

"Where even is he? It's like after Wrestlemania he disappeared."

I said as I sighed.

"Who knows? Who cares?"


I said with a smile.

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