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1 Week Later

Sasha and I stared at the monitor as we watched Aaron and Finn's promo against each other. I looked over at the pink-haired girl I thought I knew. It hurt me, having to hate her. I loved her. She was my sister.

I turned my body back towards the monitor but my attention wasn't there. It was to Sasha. I just wanted my best friend back. I didn't know who was standing before me, but it wasn't Sasha. My stomach was in knots. Nothing was right anymore. I turned around and headed straight for the exit of the gorilla.


I heard someone say. I turned around to see Sasha, looking at me with her arms crossed across her chest.

"Where are you going?"

Sasha asked me.

"I think I'm gonna be sick."

I said, covering my mouth and running out of the gorilla. Everything was so screwed up. I found the nearest trash can and just threw up everything I had in my system.


I heard someone call. I felt someone hold my hair back and rub my back as I continued throwing up. When I was done, I pulled my head out of the trash can and saw someone I wasn't expecting.


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