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"I'm so nervous Mel. I've worked so hard for this since Mia died, I just don't wanna mess it up."

I said, grabbing my suitcase from the car.

"Bay, you're gonna do great. Finn will be watching at home and Sasha and I are gonna be right by your side."

Mella said.

"Screw Sasha."

I said, slamming the trunk.

"What happened between you two?"

Mella asked as we headed into the arena.

"She fucking made out with Aaron then sent me a video! I don't know who has the nerve to do that. Whatever, if she wants to be with a abuser, fine. If she wants to throw away a good guy in Sami, that's her loss."

I said.

"I just can't believe she would ever do that."

Mella said.

"Yeah. I don't even wanna talk to her unless it comes to a match."

I said, rolling my eyes.

Later that night

I stood in the gorilla, watching the monitor as I smiled. Sasha and Emma were facing Alexa and Mella in a match and Emma was to turn on Sasha at the end of the match and I was gonna run out and save her.

When the bell rang, I felt my heart racing. When my music hit, I ran out as fast as I could. Everyone cheered as I got in the ring and tore Alexa, Emma, and Mella one by one.

Once the segment was over, we all headed back to the gorilla.

"You did great Bay!"

Mella said hugging me.

"Yeah. Good job."

Emma said with a smile. Then Sasha came up to me.

"Can we talk for a second?"

She asked me.

"Is it about a match?"

I asked, raising an eyebrow.


"Then no. Screw you Sasha."

I said, walking away from her.

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