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2 Days Later | Sasha's POV

"Here she is."

I said, leading Mella and Cass into Bayley's room. She still hadn't woke up. She got surgery yesterday for some internal stuff that I couldn't even start to understand. She was now a resident of the ICU. Everyday broke my heart. She didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve any of this.

"This breaks my heart."

Mella said, standing at the end of Bayley's bed.

"What do they even do to her?"

Cass asked me.

"They pushed her into the wall then they just started punching and kicking her. They were like...trying to kill her. They were literally kicking and stomping her stomach and face."

I said, biting my lip.

"This is insane. Where's Finn?"

"He went to check on the kids."

I said, sitting next to Bayley's bed.

"Can you guys shut up?"

I heard a voice say. I looked over to see Bayley opening her eyes.

"Bayley! Oh my gosh!"

I said, hugging her.


She yelled, holding her head.

"Sorry. You're finally awake!"

I said with a smile.

"Where's Finn?"

She asked, sitting up.

"I'm right here babe."

I heard Finn say from the door. I turned around to see Finn, standing there.

"I missed you."

Finn said, hugging Bayley.

"I love you so much. Don't you ever scare me like that ever again."

Finn said as I smiled. Thank god she was finally back...but was she?

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