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Time Jump | 3 Months Later

"You like your room baby girl?"

I asked Aria as I walked in the door.

"I love it Mommy! Thank you!"

She said, hugging me.

"Of course. I glad you like it."

I said with a smile. After a couple months, Aria, Noah, and Emery finally moved in. They really got accustomed to our lifestyle with the twins which made me happy. Aria starts her new school next week and Noah is starting his the following week. We wanted to send them at different times so they could have time to make friends without their little brother or big sister interfering.

The harassment from Aaron and Seth hasn't stopped. Not by a long shot. I never told Finn it was still happening but Sasha, Becky, Charlotte, Mella, Cass, and Sami all keep trying to get me to tell him. As long as it didn't turn violent, I was fine.

I smiled, walking out of the room and going downstairs where Finn was playing with the twins and Emery. It was hard to believe that Emery would be 3 years old in a couple days. Time flies fast.

"Hey cuties."

I said, kissing Finn's cheek.

"Hey baby."

He said as I sat on the couch.

"How's you eye?"

Finn asked, looking at my still bruised eye.

"It's okay. Finally getting vision back into it."

I said.

"That's good. Aaron and Seth aren't giving you trouble, right?"

Finn asked. I gulped hard as I nodded.


I said, plastering a fake smile.

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too."

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