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I whined as I laid across his lap.

"Yes Bayley?"

He asked, looking at me.

"I'm tired."

I whined.

"So go to bed."

He said.

"But I don't wanna go without you!"

I whined again.

"Okay. C'mon you big baby."

He said, picking me up. I laughed as he carried me into the bedroom and placed me into the bed.

"Wait! Because you get in bed can you check on Dylan and Chloe?"

I asked.

"Of course. Sit tight."

He said, kissing me. I smiled as he walked into the nursery. I got under the blankets as Aaron came back in.

"Okay. Ready for bed cutie?"

Aaron asked.


I said with a smile.

"I love you."

Aaron said, wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you too."

I said while I bit my lip. Did I really love Aaron? Of course I loved Finn, but did I love Aaron? I knew I was pretty happy right now, but I didn't wanna get attached Incase things went sour.

"Hey Bay?"

Aaron asked.


"Would you think about filing divorce papers against Finn?"

Aaron asked me.

"Not right now. But, I guess we would have to see how this works."

I said.

"Well could you at least not wear your engagement ring or wedding ring? Please?"

Aaron asked.


I said, slipping them off and onto my bedside table.

"Thank you. Love you."

Aaron said, kissing my cheek.

"Love you too."

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