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Time Jump | 3 Months Later

"Who's the prettiest little girl in the world?"

Sasha cooed at Chloe as I smiled. Ever since we went to counseling, life has been bliss. We weren't fighting anymore, Aaron or Emma hadn't shown up, and Finn and I were on great terms.

"I think it's Chloe!"

I said, tickling the 5 month old's stomach.

"It's definitely Chloe!"

Sasha said as I laughed.


I heard Finn call through the house.

"In here!"

I called from the nursery.

"Hey baby."

Finn said, walking in and kissing me.

"Thank god you two are on such great terms. You're so adorable."

Sasha said, picking Chloe up.

"I'm glad we're both put back together."

Finn said, kissing my cheek.

"So, what's next for the Devitt's?"

Sasha asked.

"Get back in the ring and raise some kids."

Finn said with a smirk.

"And I'm taking your title."

I said, pointing at Sasha and twirling my finger.

"Big talk Mama Bear."

Sasha said.

"It ain't just talk sweetie."

I said as we all laughed.

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