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Sasha's POV

"Hey babe?"

I asked Aaron as I looked up from my phone.


He asked.

"Do you still have feelings for Bayley?"

I asked, biting my lip.


He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Do you still like her? Or even love her?"

I asked.

"Why would I? She's not you."

He said as I smiled.

"Well just cause sometimes I wonder if you're with me just to get back at her."

I said.

"I'm not. I love you Sash. There's no other girl I love. I promise, I'm a changed man. I'm not who I was when I was with Bayley."

He said.

"I know. You're different. I just wish she would learn that."

I said, looking down.

"If she wants to believe I'm some horrible person, then let her believe it. I can't stop her thoughts. Honestly, I have no idea where she comes up with half the shit she says. When she came over to my house, I was nothing but loving to her. I never touched her without consent once. She just wants me to look like a bad guy."

Aaron said with a sigh.

"I know you aren't a bad guy. She's the villain here."

I said, kissing his cheek. I wanted to believe Bayley when she said he abused her, but Aaron was just so loving and sweet with me...I just couldn't.

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