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2 Weeks Later


Mella screamed as she jumped into my arms. We haven't seen each other since the whole Aaron incident.

"Are you okay? Are you safe?"

Mella asked me.

"I'm fine Mel. Don't worry about me."

I said.

"I can't! I was worried sick!"

She said.

"Trust me. I'm good."

I said, plastering a fake smile on my face. I wasn't good. I was still broken. But it was getting better. I was just taking everything day by day.

"Good. Have you thought about pressing charges against Aaron?"

Mella asked.

"Not really. I don't even know if he's been released or anything. I just don't even wanna think about him."

I said.

"Understandable. So have you starting training again?"

Mella asked.

"I'm gonna start next week. I wanna be back before Wrestlemania so both Finn and I can have matches so I really have to work hard."

I said.

"Yeah well I know you. You can do it. This is just more fuel for your fire. And the wedding is almost 3 months away!"

Mella said as I smiled.

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