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2 Weeks Later


Mella said as I hobbled into the arena.

"Hey girl!"

I said, hugging her.

"How's your knee feeling?"

She asked.

"It's still hurts. But hey! Look what I can do!"

I said, bending my knee back and forth.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so proud of you!"

Mella said smiling.

"There's my bestie."

I heard Sasha say as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Hello Sasha."

I said, rolling my eyes and laughing.

"Don't act so happy to see me."

She said, walking in front of me so I was looking at her.

"Shut up."

I said, rolling my eyes. We all talked for a little while before Mella and Sasha had to go get ready for their matches. Finn and I walked around for a minute before I felt pain strumming through my knee.

"Hey babe?"

I asked Finn.


He asked

"Can you grab the pain meds from my backpack."

I asked Finn. He nodded as he got into the bag on my back. I stared at the ground for a second and when I looked up...my heart dropped.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is! How's your knee princess?"

Seth asked as Finn noticed him. He shut my bag up and stood next to me.

"If you must know it's shattered."

I said, biting my lip as I looked at Seth and Aaron.

"Aw, poor baby. Are you taking care of her?"

Aaron asked Finn in a baby voice.

"Why do you two care?"

Finn asked, clearly angry.

"Don't get snippy. We just wanted to know how Princess Bayley was doing."

"Don't call her that."

Finn said, getting in Aaron's face.

"Or what?"

Seth asked.

"Or you're gonna regret it."

Finn said. Aaron and Seth put their hands up in defense and started back away."

"We don't want any trou-"

Seth started before kicking my knee. I fell right to the ground, grabbing my knee and bursting into tears. I yelled in pain as Finn rushed to my side. I looked up and saw Aaron and Seth went missing.

"Cmon. Let's go to catering."

Finn said, picking me up and grabbing my crutches. He carried me bridal style as we walked into catering. I was still crying in pain as Finn sat me on a chair next to Sasha and Mella.

"What happened?"

Sasha asked, taking one look at me.

"S-S-Seth kicked my k-k-knee."

I sobbed as I grabbed it. Pain was shooting through my whole leg.

"Oh my god."

Sasha said, propping my leg up on her chair as Mella went to get ice. Finn grabbed me my pain meds as he wrapped his arms around me.

"It hurts so bad."

I sobbed into Finn's shoulder.

"I know baby."

He said, rubbing my arms. I felt like everyone was in the room was staring at me.

"What the hell happened to you?"

Charlotte asked as her, Becky, and Sami walked over to me. Finn explained everything as Mella came back with a ice pack.

"Can I move your brace down?"

Sasha asked. I nodded my head as she moved it down, revealing my now huge, swollen knee.

"Was it like that before?"

Becky asked.


I said, wiping my tears as Sasha slowly put the ice pack on it.

"Can you bend it?"

Finn asked. I moved my leg off the chair and tried bending in, but I just screamed in pain.

"You could just do that this morning."

Mella said.

"I know. I worked so hard on just bending it and it's like they reset my progress."

I sobbed as Finn sat in the chair behind me and held me. There went everything I've been working hard on. All because of Seth and Aaron...again.

AN: hey guys! I just wanted to write this short little author's note since we are super close to 200 chapters (woah what?) and I wanted to know if you guys would be interested in reading a 3rd (and final) book. If not, I'll just end the story at chapter 200. Let me know in the comments!

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