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"You gonna be okay tonight, love? Cause I don't have to go out if you don't want me to."

Finn said.

"I'm gonna be fine! Have fun with Gallows and Anderson. You deserve this."

I said.

"Okay. I love you."

Finn said, kissing me.

"I love you too. Don't get too messed up."

I said as Finn laughed at me.


I said, shutting the door. I grabbed my phone and dialed Sasha's number.

"Hey Mama. What's up?"

Sasha asked.

"Finn just out with Gallows and Anderson and the twins are asleep. Wanna come over?"

I asked her.

"On my way."

She said as I smiled.

1 Hour Later

"Aw shit I feel like such a Mom."

I said, looking at the wine that Sasha brought over.

"Maybe cause you are a mom."

Sasha said as I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, just because I'm a mom doesn't mean I can't party."

"Of course you can."

Sasha said, grabbing two wine glasses. We headed into the living and sat down as I heard crying from the baby monitor.

"Dylans awake."

I said, standing up. I walked upstairs, picked Dylan up, and brought him downstairs.

"There's my favorite nephew!"

Sasha said with a smile.

Later that Night

I woke up to my phone buzzing. I sighed, gently lifting Dylan off my chest as I answered it.


I asked.

"Hey, Bay."

I heard Gallows' voice on the other line.

"Hey. What's up?"

I asked groggily.

"Um, we got into a bit of an accident."

"What?! Is everyone okay?"

I asked as Sasha started to stir.

"Well, Anderson and I are okay. But your husband wasn't wearing his seatbelt."

"Where are you guys at? I'm coming."

I said, placing Dylan on the couch and throwing the blanket off me. I finished talking to Gallows as Sasha woke up.

"What's wrong?"

Sasha asked as I rushed to put my shoes on.

"The guys got in an accident. Finn wasn't wearing his stupid seatbelt!"

I yelled, hitting the wall.

"Calm down. I'll watch the twins. You go be with him."

She said.


I said, throwing Finn's hoodie on and walking out the door.

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