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Time Jump | 3 Months Later

"So, what's going on in the Devitt household?"

Sasha asked as we walked out of the PC.

"Just taking everything one day at a time. Ever since Finn got his surgery, I think he's becoming depressed. I can't even leave him alone with Dylan and Chloe, especially since they're starting to walk and starting to talk."

I said with a sigh.

"Well, what's going on with Finn?"

Sasha asked.

"All he does is lay on the couch and sleep. Sometimes I can't even get him to eat. I think he's just sad being away from the ring. He's never been out this long."

I said.

"Has he tried anything...you know...harmful?"

She asked.

"Not that I know of. I don't know it's just hard sometimes. It's like taking care of three kids."

I said with a sigh.

"Well at least you're good right now. And you're getting a tryout soon!"

She said.

"I know. It's just...I don't know if I feel right leaving him or the kids."

"I know. You just have to figure out what's more important to you. Wrestling or family."

"Part of me says wrestling. And part of me says I need to stay with Chloe, Dylan, and Finn. I don't know, I just hope Finn gets better fast and this is just a funk."

I said with a sigh.

"It probably is. But if it's something serious, you need to be there for him. Just like he was there for you."

Sasha said. I knew she was right, I was just so torn.

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