chapter 3

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Jared " your resume is quite impressive,  tell me why should I hire you over my other candidates? ".  I took a deep breath and told him why. Me" I am willing to go above and beyond what you ask of me. I will work late and come in early ".   He glanced through my papers, he took a sip of his tea and then said" so I like what I see and I will call you ok? ".   I lost hope and knew well, at least I tried and should just go somewhere else.   I shook his hand and he held it and said " thank you for coming by".  I smiled " thank you too ". I exited his office and got on the elevator.  Arriving home, I fixed myself some food and opened the cupboard for some Smirnoff. Whatever happens, happens.   Later that night, I felt my phone go off, I ignored it and turned over.  Next day I looked at my phone and seen something exciting on the screen.  I had landed the job!!!!  Finally!  I couldn't wait to tell brad all about it.  Brad" you did?  that's great!!!  when do you start? ".  me" tomorrow morning ".   Brad " I'm happy for you baby that's great!".  Me" we should go out and celebrate!!"".  B" I can't tonight I have to work late, I'm sorry ".  me" its ok ".  B" don't be mad at me, I will be home before you fall asleep k".  me" its fine, don't worry about it ".   Brad " ok, I will talk to you later ok ".  I just hung up the phone I was so hurt. He way putting work before me. We fought about this all the time, but I always apologize in the end even if he was wrong.  I kept the peace.   At bedtime I laid in bed alone,  he want home again. I wished I was single sometimes.

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