chapter 21

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Kim's P.O.V.

This one gorgeous man.  He wanted me I knew it but I wasn't gonna give it up that easily . We finished dinner and he took my hand waking us down to the car and I had though oh we're going back the hotel. Nope. J" here we are ". I looked outside and I lost my breath it was beautiful even more up close.   I stood in awe as I felt arms wrap around me.   His breath on my neck and a kiss on my shoulder. Jared " I wanna dance with you. ".  She was confused. Me " what here.".

How turned her around and grabbed her hands in his and smiled. J" yea here ".  pulling her close to him she laid her head on his chest .  Me" I like this ". he moaned and sent vibrations through her body.  They danced under the moonlight and the moment was perfect until Jared's phone went off.   Me" do you have to answer it? ". J" lemme see".  He glanced at the screen and seen it was one of the mars crews guys calling to say that I was in Shannon's room .   Jared became upset and thought she was told not to bring relationship drama into work, that included your boss.  J" I have some business to attend to real quickly I'm sorry ".  He went over to the water and called up Shannon.  s" hello ".  J " what the fuck were you thinking? ".  S " wow dick you done?  ".   J" you can't fuck your employees Shannon ".  S" who says I did? ".  J " I just got a call saying she was in your room. Your not gonna fuck play game all night, you fucked her. She could lose sher job for this shit Shannon".  S" you done? ".  Jared. was pissed off.  They all arrived home earlier than planed from Paris .    Jared dialed up Julie and told her that she was being let go.   Julie " why?".  Jared " you slept with the boss ".   Julie " that's  fucked up ".  J" thank you". I slammed the phone down and thought and knew I never should've gone there now I most everything and him .

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