chapter 47

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I could hardly sleep. I was lonely without him here with me.  The guys had a show in a couple days. But for his sake and mine , it was best I stay away.  I tried to keep mg mind distracted and off of us. I jumped in my car and drove down to the coffee shop. I just needed some place to be at peace.  The music played and I took a sip of my drink and looked around. All around  me was couples kissing and  happy with each other.  I felt tears coming and I was doing my best to hide it.  I closed my eyes wiping the tears away, I felt a hand on mine.  I glanced up and seen Tomo.  He sat down and he said " how are you? ". Me" I've been better".  He smiled and gave me a piece of his bagel .  Me" auh thank you.  How are you doing? ".   T" I'm good. I saw your car so I figured you could use some company".   Me" I do..... thank you ".  T" have you talked to Shannon? ".  Auh fuck my heart .  Me" I don't wanna talk about it ".   T" I am not here to judge you , I'm just giving you someone to talk to ".  Me" sorry I just miss him...... bad".   T" he's been asking about you, I won't tell him I seen you ok ".  Me" actually, its ok. Tell him I love him and miss him a lot ".  T" I am sorry its like this for you guys ".  Me" I just wanna be close to him again.".  T" give him time ok".   I looked at him and I couldn't hold back the tears streamed down my cheeks.   He stood up and hugged me.  I let it all go.    Me" I miss him so bad Tomo".   T" I know..... lemme see what I can do ok".   Me" ok"   He kissed my for head and left out.   I grabbed my coffee and decided to talk a walk on the beach.  Get some fresh salty air.

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