chapter 66

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Shannon and Jared sat not saying much to each other.  Kim and I were outside and got to taking about life. Me" I told him I didn't wanna stand in the way with this tour, its gonna cause problems between him and Jared". K" he wants you to stay though, maybe Jared would change his mind? ".  Me" yea I know he won't so I'm gonna go tomorrow morning,  I know he will be mad when he wakes up and I'm gone but I don't wanna cause problems between them ".  K" that would hurt him!  He wants you here with us. Hell so do I!  I get bored and need my sister here to do crazy things with. I want you here ".  Me" you have Jared though ". She was mad as soon  as I said it.  K" you know what?  Maybe you should go home. All you care about is yourself ". Me" Kim..... I'm sorry ".  Kim" no... I'm sorry that I even bothered".  She left me and went back inside I felt bad that I hurt her and Shannon.  There wasn't any reason for me to stay.  I caught a cab and went down to the Eiffel tower and needed to be by myself.  My return flight was in the morning anyways I could just find a cheap place to stay and leave.  No one would notice anyways. I arrived and it got colder and I wrapped my peacoat tighter around me . I closed my eyes and inhaled the sweet Paris air. The city of love was all it was cracked up to be. I looked around and seen couples kissing and enjoying each others company. I wish I hadn't told him I was leaving.  Why did I ? My stubborn ass had to ruin everything.  I closed my eyes and minutes later I felt a soft pair of lips on my neck and a voice sent from heaven above. S" I knew I would find you here ".  I turned around and his hazel eyes stared into mine. Me" I don't wanna come in between you two ".  His head laid on my shoulder and I felt him smile.  S" you mean the world to me,  please stay. I can take care of the rest..... please ".   I ran my hands through his hair and said " ok ".   He hugged me tight and I felt happy.  S" come on Kim misses you and wants to have dessert with her best friend ". Me" I can't wait ".

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