chapter 95

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A couple days passed and all of us were on out way to Russia.  I packed up lots of warm clothes and boots.  I was excited to get away from being sick and just enjoy a beautiful country full of ancient buildings with colorful history.  K" its gonna be fuckin cold ". Not a snip above 30 degrees.  The plane landed and we got to our hotel soon after we got settled in. Jared lined up plans for all of us to have dinner and a movie. I just wanted to explore Russia and see the sights.  K" what are you gonna wear ?".  Me" I'm gonna skip dinner and head out  by myself for awhile ". K" what's going on why are you being so distant? ". I grabbed my coat and didn't feel like talking.  I stepped out of the door and sure enough just as Shannon came out of his.  S" where are you headed? ". Me" going for a walk ". S" we had plans for dinner ". Me" I said......I'm going out for awhile ".   S" what the fuck is your problem? ".  I ignored him and kept going down the hall. I reached the elevator and heard foot steps coming towards me.  Doors opened and I was being pushed inside against the wall. Me" Shannon , please just leave me be ".  S" no, I'm coming with you! ".  He tried to kiss me and I turned away. S" why? what did I do? ".  Me" you never let me just have space!  you always have to be around me? ".  He was thrown back and was angry.  S" well fuck you then!  I try to be close to you and love you and you treat me like shit!".  Me" whatever! ".  S" no fuckin whatever!  Your being a selfish bitch right now!  ".  I hid a dark secret and didn't want him to get close to me.  Me" I have 6 months to live Shannon ".  He turned to me and was shocked. S" please tell me that its not true".  I couldn't look at him. I was terrified and tears fell from my eyes.  I lean against the wall and lowered down to the floor. Shannon came over to me and wrapped me in his arms.  S" I'm sorry ". I held around his neck and squeezed as tight as I could. Me" I didn't wanna tell you because I knew that it would take your mind off the tour. " S " you were not gonna tell me?  ".   I ran my hands through his hair and said " I love you with every part of my heart and soul.....please know I'm sorry and I never meant to hurt you ".  S" are you scared? ".  Me" baby,  I'm terrified...... I don't know what to think anymore ".  S" I promise I won't let you go through this alone ". Me" thank you ".    Shannon pulled back and I got nervous.  Me" you ok? ".  S" I have something to ask you ".  Me" ok ".  He pulled out a small box and opened it looking in my eyes. Me" oh no baby ".  He grabbed my hand and slid a diamond ring on my hand. S" I love you.... I need your heart, your will you marry me? ".   I kissed him and we fell back on the floor and I said " yes".  S" I love you ".  Doors opened and we both looked up at Kim and Jared smiling at us.  S" we didn't fuck.. ". Me" but we are getting married!!!! ".    K" oh my god that's great!!!".   We got up and followed them to go to dinner.  S" you haven't told them have you? ".   Me" I will soon".  He kissed my cheek and said" I won't say anything ok". Me" thank you ". 

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