chapter 78

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Hours passed by. Kim was out with Jared at dinner down by the water. A live band played as they ate. K " thank you for this!  The food is great ". He held her hand and looked deep in her eyes.  J" your worth all of this baby". She smiled and he lifted her hand and kissed it.  K" have you thought about what I said? ".  J" I'd rather not talk about it ". K" why?  she's my best friend my sister,  you know it would make all this tension go away between you two ".  He took a deep breath and looked back at her and gave in.  J" ok".  K" yea?".   J" for you I will ".  K" thank you ".   Once they finished eating, he took her by the hand and danced under the lights as the band played.  The sun was going down and the moment was perfect.   J" your beautiful you know that? ".   K" I know ".  J " I love how confident you are, its very attractive ".  He leaned in and kissed her as the sunset.  Meanwhile back in Shannon's room, he was busy on his iPad making adjustments to songs.  He took off his headphones and could hear the band playing below.  He got up and walked over to the window.  Looking down he could see all the people dancing on the restaurant floor. He had an idea.  I was almost fast asleep in bed when I heard my door open.  I had a feeling it might be Kim,  I left my door unlocked in case she wanted to visit . I felt the bed dip down and I waited for her voice.  I could feel breath on my neck and a hand on my neck brushing my hair aside.  I knew it was shannon. I opened the bed and looked up to him and those eyes looking in mine, passion filled my soul. His body came over and melted into mine.  his lips danced and fought for dominance over mine. He smiled and took off his shirt.  I couldn't help but kiss all over his cheat and shoulders.  I felt him moaning and it lit my lips on fire. I took off my panties and he pushed up my top his huge hands roamed around and his lips kissed my neck.  Me" baby, I love you "  He held my face and said " I love you, please don't push me away anymore".  I ran my finger across his lips and said " I don't want you to lose yourself in me and forget about you ".  He kissed my lips and said "  don't worry about me..... I just wanna me sure your happy baby". 

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