chapter 60

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He turned his body to me and I held his face.  S" you know your my world right ". Me" yes ". He kissed my neck and I closed my eyes and he said " I'm leaving you for two weeks". I did feel happy, not now.  S" I'm sorry.... I just can't have you there ". Me" why? ". He looked up at me. Then he said " Jared said its just better to not bring relationship drama into the tour ". Me" I bring drama?". S" no its not that.. .. I just ". Me" no its fine.....where are you guys going then? ". S" Paris". I felt sick. That's the one place he knows I wanna go so badly I would  sell everything I have to go there.  Me" have fun". S" I have to go......this band is my life ". Me" where do I fit in with it? ". S" Julie!  Cmon don't do this please ". Me" no its fine....". S" please ". I moved him away and for dried off and dressed for bed.  S" you know I'm getting tired of feeling bad for no reason". Me" oh ok ". I got in bed and covered up.  I felt the bed dip down and his hands on my back.  S" come here ". Me" thought you had to go? ". S" I never said I was leaving tonight did I?". He  moved back the blankets and I felt his body heat on mine. S" I love you ". Me" love you ". S" you don't mean that ". Me" really? ". S" goodnight ". I turned over and looked him in his eyes and said " have fun in Paris ". And I fell asleep.

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