chapter 13

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The next day at work, I was in Jared's office and he wanted to go over the schedule.   J" so you see we need to go oversees for awhile  and uh......oh hey Shannon come here I need you to take her and show her where to store your drum kit when we hit the road ".  He walked in oh fuck!  Sexy in black and jeans hair pulled back. Jesus he smelled so fuckin good.  He looked at me and said" sure..... I'd be happy to ".    Me" oh I was wondering, my best friend Kim is coming the show in Paris so I was wondering.... ". Jared leaned in closer " she is, is she? Well then, maybe I should have you two fly together ".  Me" you sure? I don't want to cause any problems. I know my job comes first ".   J" I realize how dedicated you are, but I am not against some fun ".  Shannon bumped into my chair and laughed.  Me" thank you Jared,  she's gonna be so happy ".  J" yea,  she wont be the only one that will be".   We finished and I followed Shannon to his drum room.   The door closed and I looked around only to be cornered into the wall once again.   S" your mine ".  He turned me around and pushed his hands up my shirt grabbing my breasts moaning in my ear.  Me" we are at work ".   S" I don't care ".  He shoved his hand dine my skirt.  I grabbed around his throat.   S" I want you to fuck me ".  I felt my heart race.  Me" I can't ". He sucked on my neck.  S" why not? ".   Me" I'm working ".  He rubbed my clit and faster then I could comprehend .  S" mmmm so wet for me ".   Me" please..... ".   S" please what? ".   Me"fuck..... ". A knock at the door ruined the mood.  Shannon pulled away and I moved actions the room.   J" hey guys time for a meeting "

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