chapter 4

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It was 6am and I was alone in my bed.  He wasn't here once again.  He always told me he would never cheat on me.  Now I was starting to question his faithfulness.  Enough of my pity party, time to get ready for work.  hour later I was done and ready to go.  Grabbing my purse I caught the train.  The place was full of busy people. holding papers and and on cell phones.  The smell of coffee filled the air and I could use a cup.  I stood in line and pulled out my debit card.  I felt someone bump me and I almost dropped my phone.   Guy " sorry about that, here let me get that for you ". I didn't realize I had dropped my keys on the ground.   I turned around and was speechless. The face in front of mine was gorgeous!  Dark hair, deep set hazel eyes and a killer smile.  Guy" here you....hello".  Me" hi".  I felt shy around him for some reason.  We didn't say anything for a couple seconds.  Cashier " can I help you?". I laughed and turned around and said " can I get a mocha please and a muffin ".  I handed her my card and waited for my stuff in the side.   He stepped up and ordered some tall coffee with extra shots.  She handed me my coffee and I grabbed a napkin.   He stepped over to me and I couldn't resist saying " you know that's a lot of caffeine ". He smiled and said " do I care?  my heart can handle it ". I began to walk away when he said " do you have a name? ". Me " nope ". I went to the elevator and turned to him.  He looked my way and drank his coffee.  Seconds later ding!  Doors opened and I was thrown back,  there he was again!   Me" you following me? ".  Him" no, I'm going to my brothers office over there ". I could have died when he pointed to Jared's! This was his brother?  Fuck my life!   Jared" oh hey ! Welcome!  Have you met Shannon?  He's in the band with me and Tomo. Our guitarist"  I turned to Shannon and I felt embarrassed.  He came over to me and shook my hand.  S" we've met just awhile ago ".  Jared " oh ok then.  come with me and fill out some papers and let's get you started "

Don't deny me .. (30 STM fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя