chapter 76

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I grabbed his hand and looked in his eyes. S" what do you wanna tell me ". Me" I got this way by taking heroin when I was twenty. My ex was the person who infected me. He got tested the other day and called me. I freaked out and didn't wanna believe him so I called my doctor and wanted to see if I had it. I got tested . And sure enough, I did ". I started to tear up and felt like shit. He needed to focus on the back and tour. And just like Jared said , I was becoming a distraction. S" I'm gonna kill him! Wait till I find him ". Me" you won't! I will not tell you where he lives.". Shannon go up and grabbed a lamp and threw it against the wall. S"he fuckin is killing you! He's taking away my heart and I'm gonna lose you! what the fuck am I gonna do when your gone? ". Me " I'm not dead yet Shannon! Quit treating me like I'm dead!". He came over to me and pushed me on the wall and yelled at me. S"HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW WHEN YOUR GONNA DIE! I COULD FUCKIN LOSE YOU TOMORROW GOD DAMIT! I WILL FIND HIM.... I WILL KILL HIM " Me" that's not gonna fix anything Shannon ". He was breathing so hard his face was red and I didn't know what to think. S" why does he deserve to live...... when he's killing you! He's taking you away from me! I need you! I don't wanna lose you ". Tears flowed from his eyes as we landed down in Rio De Janeiro. I walked over to him and hugged him kissing his neck. Me" calm down I promise I will be ok. let's forget about life for a couple days and fuckin party in Brazil! Drink dance and..... let me fuck you on the beach when the sun goes down mmmmmm how about that ?" He moaned and rubbed my back. S"ok.... I can do that for you". I looked in his eyes and smiled. Me" did the sex on the beach get your Attention? ". He kissed me and smiled. S"maybe ". i smacked his ass and said " I love your smile Shannon ".

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