chapter 59

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Later in the week,  I went to one of the shows and Shannon was on fire.  His energy was contagious. I was mesmerized by his passion for drumming.  Sweat dripped off of his face and arms.  I imagined his body on mine like this.  Jared started grabbing people to come on stage for the last song of the set. The smiles were amazing to see. His one band can make so many dreams come true. With music.  I walked over to Shannon and sat down beside his drum kit.  A couple chicks came over to say hello and a few hugged him and made him smile.  It didn't bother me but later on when the song ended, something did.   I waited for shannon to come backstage and clean up so we could go home. I lost patients and went back out and I seen some girl kissing his cheek and handing him a note.  I wished I did not see it. I went back to where Kim was and she noticed I was upset and asked me " you ok?".   Me" I'm gonna go, I will see you in awhile ok".  K" what happened?". I didn't even wanna talk to anyone. I told Shannon I wasn't the jealous type but I was I just didn't want to lose him for my own insecurities.  I got home and started a hot bath with lavender and vanilla salts.  Stripping down I climbed in and laid my head back.   Candles flickered and I closed my eyes.  My mind was drifting away to thoughts of what happened the other night. Maybe I should have thought about it. No one had an issue with it but me.  Why only me? I took a week breath and let it all go.  Minutes later I felt a soft pair of lips on my neck and hand on my hair.  I opened my eyes and looked into a beautiful pair of hazel eyes.  S" why did you leave? ".   He kissed my cheek and I said " I lied.".  S" about what? ".   Me" I got jealous of your talking to another girl ".  He leaned in and kissed me and smiled " am I with her right now? "  I just stared at him and thought ok.  Me" no".   he stood up and took off his clothes, then got in with me.  He leaned in against my chest and I rubbed his chest feeling him moan out my heart race.  Me" you captivate me when u drum". He grabbed my hand and kissed it.  S" I love it when you watch me makes wanna..... ".His head leaned back and I kissed him.  Me" mmmm please show me "

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