chapter 74

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That night Kim was out on her balcony. It was out last night in Paris. The show was tomorrow and I hated that I had ruined everyone's mood by my bad news. I regretted saying anything. Jared" hey, you ok baby? ".  K" I just wanna be alone for awhile.... if that's ok ".  J" yea.....I will be in here ". Kim looked down and had the urge to go to the fountain below the hotel. A peaceful place to be to have a second alone.  I was coming out of the shower and got ready for bed.  I could hear the door shut next door. I knew it was Kim. I didn't wanna bug her. If she needed me she knew where I was. S" babe, cmon ". I looked over and he was half asleep. I didn't know what was going through his mind. Maybe I didn't wanna know.  Me" I'm sorry ".  S" how did this happen? ".  Walking over to the bed I pulled back the covers on his side and got in behind him. S" what are you....mmmm baby ". I kissed his neck lower to his back then lower still to his boxer line.  Licking my way up again to his neck, he turned to me and moved over. Me" I love you ". He reached out and caressed my cheek. I moved into his arms. Wrapping me in tight, I felt his heart beat beside mine.  His breath on my neck. His eyes were closed. Me" Shannon? ".  He smiled and said " yea baby".    Me " I wanna marry you ". His eyes flew open and he kissed me so passionately I lost my breath and my head was spinning.  S" you got it baby.....I love you ".  I didn't wanna ruin our happiness, so I waited till the morning for my drug confession.  His kiss good night made the pain go away . He always made me feel like nothing would hurt me.  He made me feel alive. 

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