chapter 75

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I looked over and he was falling asleep.  I laid there in his arms and began to cry.  I couldn't help it.  I knew that he would be without me someday. I knew I wanted to make everyday count.  Kim was my best friend my sister.  I didn't know how to deal with all of this.  Kim came back in her room and Jared was sitting g up awake.  K" I thought that you would he asleep by now ".  J" I was waiting for you ".  He got out of bed and met her at the door.  J" I'm sorry I've been a dick ".  K" its ok..... Um can we talk maybe ". J" sure ".  They say down on the bed and she took his hand and said " Julie isn't coming with us on tour ".   Jared smiled and said " Shannon finally gave in and knew I was right? ".  K" no asshole!  She's sick!  She's got an illness that will kill her ".  Jared felt like a bitch. J" I'm sorry..... I didn't know".  K" yea well..... ".  She got up and he caught her hand and said" I'm sorry here.... I will be right back".  K" but where..... ". He left out of his room to our room and knocked on the door.   I couldn't figure why Kim was here so late.   I lined the door and Jared smiled. Me" what ?".  J" I'm sorry.....I want you to stay with us ".   Me" why?  You feel sorry for me now that I'm sick? ".   J" yea I do.....I want you to spend time with him ".  Me" I don't need your fuckin sympathy,  it sucks that your treating me better now that I'm sick? ".  J" look I said I was sorry..... But if your gonna act like this fuck it ". He turned and went inside eh is room again.". I slammed the door.  S" babe what's........ ". I got back in bed and kissed him. Me" someone had the wrong room that's all ".  S" ok..... Goodnight ".  Me" night shan".   The next morning when all of us where loading on the jet to go to Brazil, Shannon grabbed my bags and loaded them on. I stepped inside and sat down pouring myself a drink and Kim heard my glass click on another one and she smiled and yelled out " better be making me one ". Jared stepped in and we took off into the sky.  J" are you supposed to be drinking when your sick? ". Me" I didn't ask you if I could. And your not  a fuckin doctor ". Shannon shot me a look and I knew what he was thinking.  Me" we need to talk Shannon ". S" I'm  all ears baby". I took him in back and was prepared what I was gonna say.

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