chapter 92

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Kim and Jared landed in LA in the morning just as I was waking up.  I glanced down at my phone and sent her a text back.  K" love you see you in a bit ".    I set my phone back down on the side table and he started to wake up. I felt his hand move down under my back.  I felt bad he was crammed in bed next to me.  But he didn't seem to mind at all.  Me" you awake? ".    He moaned and said " no".  I laughed and then said " Kim and j are on their way here ". He sat up and looked at me.  Me" what?".  S" why the hell did you call them for? " Me " I didn't... what's wrong? ".  He got out of bed and I was confused.  Me" Shannon! ".  S" I just wanted to be alone with you for awhile. ". Me" we can.... ". S" no because..... fuck never mind ".  Me" why are you acting like this? ".  S" I'm not fuckin acting like anything!!! ".  I grabbed my phone and sent Kim a text telling her we would just meet them  at the house.   Me" there! Now they won't be here ".   S" oh Jesus!  I'm gonna go ".  Me" fine leave me here.... ".  He walked out the door and I was shocked he actually would leave.  Minutes later he came back and pulled back my covers and lifted me up. Me" where ate we going? ".   S" home.... my house ". Me" but what about? ".  S" I don't care ".    He carried me down to his car and opened the door setting me in the front seat. We pulled away and drove home. Me" what's really wrong? ". He looked over at me real quick and said " I don't wanna have something happen to you and have us be mad at each other. I love you...... I'm taking you home with me and I'm gonna take care of you ".  I had mixed emotions when he said this to me. Half of my heart said that he was treating me like a dying soul. The other half said I should just stop worrying about what the  fuck to think and just let him love me.  I reached for his hand and held it in mine. Me" thank you ".  Shannon smiled and said " for what? ".    Me" loving me ".  S" that's the easy part..... I just need you to stop being so fuckin stubborn and let someone take care of you for once ".  Me" I can learn to do that ".  We pulled in and headed in the house.  Jared and Kim were headed to Kim's  house.  K" he's not acting right..... something's up ". J" he's in love..... he just wants time alone with her".  K" well at least someone has that ".  J" I love you ". He turned her to him and smiled. Holding her face.  K" say it again".  He leaned in lips touching hers. J" ".  Kissed her and held her tight.

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