chapter 89

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S" why are you with me then? ".  Me" nothing happened Shannon".  S" tell me why you were coming out of his dressing room then? ". I didn't have a comeback for him.  What could I say?  S" that's what I thought...... I think maybe you should go home ". I was stunned!  He was mad enough, he wanted me to leave. I knew it was over.  Me" ok.....I'm gonna go ".   I called the airline and scheduled a flight out right away.  S" Bye".   I got on the elevator and went down to the lobby. I fucked up and didn't even get to say goodbye to Kim or Jared. Maybe everyone would better off without me.  Once I got in the plane and it took off, it hit me hard. Unbelievable pain in my stomach. Oh fuck it hurt!  I closed my eyes and tried to block it out.  It helped a little.  Hours later, finally we landed.  I rushed off to my bags and into the cab home. I was in even more pain then ever.  I laid on the bed and held my stomach.  No one was here and I was on my own. I dialed up Kim's phone,  she didn't answer. I through out my pride and called up Shannon. S " hello ".  Me" it hurts baby ". S" what?  what happened? ".   I balled and screamed in pain. S" Julie.... fuck". I dropped the phone. I blacked out and the next thing I knew I had bright ass lights in my face and stinging in my arms.  I could hear voices and feel hands touch my face. I opened my eyes wider and looked around.  Doctor " how are you feeling? ".  Me" why...... what happened  to me ".  Doctor " your liver is in trouble right now  ".   Me" its what?!!!!!! ".   D" your body is attacking and  fighting a infection and its...... ".  Me" its what???? ".    D" it could kill you if we don't get it under control ".  All I could think was his bad I wanted shannon here with me.  They all left the room and I was alone.   Tears flowed down my face. 

Don't deny me .. (30 STM fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin