chapter 10

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I got home and started a bath. I just wanted to relax and unwind. K" hey babe how was work? ".  She sat down on my bed and I said " men suck you know that ". She laughed. K" only some of them baby".  Me" why do they do some of the shit they do? ".  K" your guess is as good as mine".  I paid back and I could hear my phone go off.   K" want me to get it? ".  Me" sure ". I listen in and she said " she's in the bath right now you wanna. ......ok hold on".  K" work ". I grabbed it and said " hello".  S" what are you doing right now in the bath? ".   Me" how did you get my number? ".  S" I looked on your resume". I laughed and he said" let me come over ".  Me" I already told you..  " S" I just wanna watch a movie with you, nothing else".  I took a deep breath and though auh what the hell. Me" ok.....but one movie I have to get up early tomorrow". He laughed and said " me too ".  Me" alright I will tell you how to.....".  S" I looked that up too ". Me" oh dear god". He moaned in the phone and I closed my eyes.  S" you there ".  Me" yea".  S" see you in a bit ". Me " k".   He hung up and Kim stepped in smiling.  K" told you all guys are not the same ".  Me" he's a friend Kim,  its nothing ".  K" yea.....not right now ".  Me" shut it".  K" hurry up I wanna eat ".

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