chapter 96

180 11 5

Day of the show:

Jared and Shannon and Tomo were busy taking pics with some lucky ones who got  meet and greet tickets. I could remember when they debuted, I said one day I was gonna meet all three of these wonderful souls.  I never imagined that it would actually come true. I stood back and watched all three enjoying the time with everyone they came across. Awhile later I climbed behind Shannon's drum set and grabbed some sticks and began to just play . I knew this was another thing I would love to learn.  I closed my eyes and then heard his sweet voice.  S" having fun? ".  Me" how long did it take you to learn how to play? ".  S" I taught myself,  you just have to feel the beats  and Rythym of a song and just go with it. Don't think just play"  I looked at him and thought easy for you to say.  S" here stand up for a second ". I moved to the side and let him sit down.  He took the sticks and just began to bang the fuck out the drums.  Even without a song playing he made a solo all by himself.  S" come here ".  He pulled me on his lap and put his arms around my body and put the sticks in my hands and played.  S" you feel that? ".  Me" yea".  I turned my head to him and he lifted my chin and kissed me.  S" you want me to teach you how to play ".  I kissed his cheek and said " I'd love that ".   He smiled and I got up and went to find Kim.  K" how does it feel to be engaged? ".   Me" great..... feels great ".  K" what's up? ".  Me" nothing......oh hold on for a second ".   I answered my phone and it was my doctor.  I screamed so loud I scared the shit out of everyone.  I was so happy!  K" you ok?"  I smiled and said " I'm not sick!  I'm not fuckin sick! ".  K" what do you mean? ".  Me" the doctor just told me that my test redoubts got mixed up with someone else's..... I'm not sick!!! ".   K" oh baby that's great!!!!".     I ran over to Shannon and couldn't wait to tell him!. He was at his drum set and I leaned down and kissed his neck and felt down his chest and moaned in his ear.  S" mm mm hey you ". Me" guess what? ".   He pulled me onto his lap  and I faced him. Me" I'm not sick.....mixed up test results I'm ok...... I'm not gonna die.".   He smiled and kissed me I felt so happy. S" I wanna marry you...... tomorrow".  Me" anything for you my love, I love you ".  Later as the show went on, Kim and I danced, we sang ,we had a blast. Felt good to feel happy again.

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