chapter 108

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We got to the hospital and I was rushed back to the ER and Shannon waited out in the room.  Hour later, the doctor came out and gave Shannon the bad news. S" no please no.....FUCK! ". He dropped to his knees and cried. D" we tried to save her but.... She died from complications..... I'm sorry ".  Shannon felt like his world had come crashing down. He called Kim and Jared and they rushed to him and didn't know what to do. K" my sister...she's gone....I feel like a part of me died with her.".   S" I lost my heart...... I need to be alone ". J" that's not a good idea right now ".  S" I don't fuckin care..... Just leave me alone ".  J" fine ".   Jared grabbed kind hand and they left.  Shannon came back to my room and opened the door. He sat down by my bed and said " I love you so much and...... I never thought I'd be without you. We never got the chance to get married...... I don't know what to do without you ".  He kissed me one last time and said " I will see you in my dreams baby...... I love you ".  He got up and left my room. I was so close to becoming his had other plans for me.

THE END   Hope you enjoyed it xoxo

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