MC is sexually harassed by her boss

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It was okay, right?
He was your boss after all.
But the more you thought of it.... you just couldn't handle it.
Your boss who was at first a nice guy was now a horrible guy.
You were afraid. You just wanted to stay at home.
Jumin noticed this and one day he asked you ,,Mc, what's wrong? Why don't you want to go to work?"
,,There's really no....not....nothing. Nothing......wrong" you sobbed. You felt alone and empty, embarrassed. Jumin hugged you and without waiting you just talked ,,I didn't! I didn't wanted this! I told him to stop!! But he just keeps touching me! But what can I do against my boss?! Jumin! I'm afraid!" you just cried while he hugged you, feeling sorry, angry and sad. As soon as you slept because of your crying he told Seven to post this in the media, making his live a living hell. He also told this the Police. And Seven was more than pleased. The next morning Jumin made you pancakes and promised you ,,I will never let you alone. Don't worry. The man won't do anything anymore. My lovely wife."


Your boss was also HIS boss
So he noticed pretty quickly.
He saw your sad look every time you were standing near the boss, looking over him.
,,Mc. What's the matter?"
,,Nothing, Zen." you never told him until one day he saw it with his own eyes.
He wasn't angry. He was furious.
,,He! HEY BOSS! What the f*ck do you think you're doing?!"
,,She agreed with it!" he laughed.
Zen looked into your eyes while the boss said something to you and touched you.
He knew - you would never.
He lost everything, he began to run over to you and began to beat the boss while you sat at the floor, crying.
Only when the security came he stopped.
,,He touched her! He touched my girlfriend! Look at her!"
He was angry. But he saw that YOU needed him. He called Jumin for help and Jumin really did EVERYTHING to destroy your boss.
Later you found out that he harassed also other women.
Zen was so sad, that he couldn't help you in time.
But with his help, you got happy again!


One day he just decided to massage your shoulders
But he noticed soon, you were afraid of this touch.
He kneeled in front of you and his heart stopped when he saw your tears.
,,Mc? Mc, dear, why are you crying?" with his hands he hold your face, hot tears were tripping on his hand
,,He also does it..." you told him. He's heartbroken. Who does it?
He asks you and when you just tell him your boss's name he's shocked.
He packs his things and calls the police, as well Zen, Jumin and Seven.
While Seven creates something to crush him, Zen stalks him with the motorbike while Yoosung just shouts at him.
Jumin made sure that the police did the job right and after the man is finished and in prison, Yoosung kisses you and tries to make you feel better.


Well... you're your own boss...right?


He knew.
He always looks at the camera at your workplace.
Every time he could shutdown the man when he sees how the boss slaps your butt, making you uncomfortable.
He also sees your shaking hands when he comes in your direction.
He wanted to wait until you came to him but
He just couldn't sit and wait.
He stands up, and drives to your workplace ready do beat the shit out of him
And he really does it!
You're grateful to him and sorry for not telling him
,,I'm now Saeyoung but Savior 707 will be here forever, my lovely 606"

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