RFA + Saeran and Jihyun reacting to MC's new puppy

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It was your friends dog who gave birth to five puppies.
And since you always wanted one, you took one.
Well, you just forgot about Elizabeth the 3rd to be honest...
When Jumin came home and he heard a dog's bark, he was a bit afraid.
Did someone break in with a dog?
Did they hurt you?
,,Daisy stop!" you said as soon as you heard her and followed her.
,,Hello dear! Look, I got a puppy!" you smiled.
Well, he wasn't really happy about but seeing your happy face made him happy.
And if he could keep your smile with a puppy, it was okay for him.
,,But we should make sure that Elizabeth won't become jealous..." he mumbled.


A co-worker gave you one as a present and since he was working with Zen you weren't brave enough to reject.
You just hoped that he wasn't allergic to dogs too....
When he came home he was really surprised.
But he quickly changed his mind.
,,Wow! His fur is as soft as my hair." he realized.
,,Zenny....did you just compare your hair with a dog's fur?" you asked him pretty amused.
The next day Zen was still happy to have a new family member but really jealous.
,,Mc! You give him way more attention than me!" he whined.
,,I'm sorry, Zenny...but if you want...you can show me your inner beast..." you flirted.
Little did you know that your own beast wouldn't let you...
,,Zen...IT'S A DOG!"


,,Mc...what should I do? A woman came with her pregnant dog and let them give birth in the hospital and just left! Without the puppies!" Yoosung whined after a long work day.
That's when you had the amazing idea to adopt one of the puppies they had.
Yoosung was very surprised when he went back to work.
,,Mrs Hong? Why is one dog missing?" he asked the nurse.
,,Well, a woman adopted one."
On the one side he was really happy but on the other side he missed the puppy.
Yoosung was literally shocked when he came back home.
,,Mc...what? You?" he tried to ask you.
He was afraid for Lisa but it seemed that the cat and the dog became good friends...
He was somehow happy...


You and Jaehee were against it that guests could take in their pets.
But after you saw, how the guest was treating the dog, you couldn't stay calm.
And just took the dog.
You were even more surprised when the owner gave you his okay.
,,Just take this bastard!" he yelled at you.
Now you stood there alone with a puppy...nice.
,,Mc?!" Jaehee yelled when she went up to change her clothes.
,,Why is there a dog in our room? And why does it eat your shoes?!" she asked you annoyed.
Ugh, you thought and explained the situation.
The two of you argued for a long time but after a bit she was okay with it but still didn't accept the dog.
It took more than two months until she finally patted the dog and acknowledged the puddle.
,,At least there's no D-fur..." she sighted.


,,MC MY 606 I'M-" he yelled after he came home with a Dr Pepper bottle.
But shortly after he came home, he saw a horrifying sight....
,,MY HBC?! My chips....!" he cried over his favorite chips as he tried to save a few from the floor.
,,Oh! I'm sorry...my mom's Golden Retriever got puppies and she gave me one..." you explained.
Saeyoung was almost dead but after he saw that you and Saeran seemed to love the dog, he was okay with it too.
,,Let's name him Pepper! Or Elizabeth the 4!"
,,No! His name is Luciel!" you whined.
,,Wow, you named the dog after me! What a honor!" he joked.
,,No I named him because he's just as dumb as you. But I didn't want to have two Saeyoung's." Saeran explained annoyed and patted the dog.
The first time you asked him if you could have a puppy he was against it.
To be honest he was a bit afraid to take care of a puppy.
He was even afraid to take care of himself.
,,Don't you think it's kind of sweet to adopt a dog who needs a better owner?" you asked him as last argument.
That made him think a lot.
He wasn't really surprised to see you with a puppy the day.
You told him that you could save him from an abused owner.
The dog was afraid of everything and he somehow came to love the dog.
You were really amused to see him playing with the new puppy you owned.


,,No, she's still not home." Jihyun told Jaehee who just called him.
With him Jumin who was just as concerned as him.
You were missing for almost three hours now.
,,What if Rika...-" Jihyun mumbled with a trembling voice.
But Jumin could calm him.
Just a few minutes after he calmed him, the door was opened.
,,Mc what-" he tried to ask you.
He was surprised to see you soaked with a puppy in your arm.
After Jumin left, you explained that you found this puppy and decided to search its owner.
But at some time you just took him with you.
Jihyun didn't really pay attention to the dog.
Later on he began to feel sympathetic with the little puppy and almost loved him more than you could ever love the puppy...

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