Earthquake while MC is pregnant

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It was your 3rd anniversary and you were already pregnant in the last month
Your babys due was in three weeks but still Jumin wanted to do something special.
He bought you a tiny vacany house to enjoy your time together before you were about to become parents
But at the moment, there was an earthquake.
Jumin and you were just so scared!
He took you to hide under the table
The earthquake destroyed a lot of things.
When you thought, that everything was over, you went out to check if there was anybody
But then something fell from the roof
You weren't even so fast and thought, that you were about to lose your baby when Jumin saved you
He was bowed over you.Luckily it didn't catch you or him.
,,Everything okay, Love?" he asked you concerned
,,Mhh... Ah... it hurts. My belly really hurts. I think, there's something wrong..." when you told him he was so afraid.
He called a helicopter and the paramedics came really fast to bring you to the nearest hospital
Luckily there wasn't something wrong.
You were just about to give birth.
He was afraid!! The whole RFA was there with him in the hospital since it took over 10 hours and he couldn't go in.
But a healthy, beautiful boy was born and everyone was happy except Zen, he wanted to be the father or save you from Jumin but you looked happy...


It happened while rehearsal when Zen was on stage like every time you looked to him, while he was playing his role perfectly. You also had to record everything for Jaehee since she really wanted to see him so you were skyping
But then there was this earthquake.Jaehee was really afraid. Zen wanted to go down from stage. He wasn't really afraid but he was concerned for you.
A pregnant woman shouldn't go through that.
But then he saw how the lamp was about to fall right on you
,,MC! GO AWAY!" but he was too late
You screamed...everything went black.
Your phone was still on and Jaehee could see everything.
When you opened your eyes, you could just see how Zen was over you trying to protect you.
He was so lucky that the lamp didn't fall on him but on his right
But you couldn't think about it since you just passed out.
He was so afraid and couldn't think about anything.
At this moment Zen was soo happy, that Jaehee called for an ambulance!
In the hospital they told Zen, that you needed a lot of rest and so you weren't working anymore
Yoosung decided to stay with you for the time, until Zen came from workThey all wanted to help you and so you were neveralone


,,Yoosung! I'm here. I bought you something to eat!" you called as soon as you arrived at his workplace
You waited for him. He had already closed for lunch and all the nurses were already in the break. You needed to sit down since you walked so much and it was really hard with this huge belly.
You carried twins.
He told you so often, that he would come home so it wasn't necessary for you to walk at his place.
But you needed to go for a walk and he had already so much to do.
He came and kissed you on your front while he patted your belly.
,,How are you? I'm sure you're hungry. Let's eat! Wait, I will go to bring you a glass of water!"
And he was already in the kitchen.
But then, everything began to tremble and you knew, you needed to repair under the table.
You called for Yoosung anxious and went under the table.
You were really lucky because a little bit later the drawer tipped over at the place, where you were sitting earlier.
When everything stopped and Yoosung was able to go through, he couldn't see you and thought, you were under the big drawer.
And so he began to cry and shout your name
,,Yoosung! Yoosung I'm under the table but I can't get up!"
Gosh he was really happy and helped you.
You didn't know, how strong he was, but he could elevate the drawer on his own!!
You were a little bit hurt at the head but you were fine.
He called Jumin and so you were in good hands.
You actually had to rest at home for the next three weeks but this was okay for you.
At the end, you gave birth to two beautiful girls and Yoosung was happy!


Jaehee was against it, but couldn't win against you.
You just wanted to help her and so you just worked in the coffee shop with her
Zen and Yoosung talked to you about your health
,,Don't worry! The little boy here is fine! I will just go on working with Jaehee. I can't leave her alone now!"
Jaehee was really happy. She loved you so much!
But she couldn't look so quick and a bad earthquake came.
Everything tipped over.
And so did the big vase on the drawer which was falling in your direction.
Jaehee shouted for you name and cried for you.
She was so grateful that Zen cowered you.
When everything was over, she called an ambulance, since Zen was a little bit hurt
But it wasn't really something bad
,,MC! You need to stop now! You can't work... I'm worried for you!"
In the end you really gave up working but still you were sitting at the coffee shop.
Zen got healed really fast since he is a monster
But he was really happy, that you were fine and that Jaehee was happy!


The two of you were in the car with Saeran since the RFA had a Party again.
You all were in a really good mood especially you.
You were pregnant and so it was really seldom that you were so happy
You all laughed and talked about the party but soon enough, your smile was about to vanish
Some cars in front of you just stopped and everything was falling down
,,Wha! Saeyoung! What's happening?!'' you screamed and tried to hold on something
He was so afraid that he lost control and BAM he drove against a tree
He screamed for your name but you just closed your eyes, everything went black
When you were awake again, you were in the hospital
Jaehee was near your bed crying
,,Jaehee.... what happened? Where is Saeyoung? And Saeran?? My baby!'' you wanted to stand up
after a big hug Jaehee told you everything.
there was an earthquake and so everybody stopped and Saeyoung, to not drive against a car, tried to dodge and drove against a tree
she also explained, that you all were safe, your baby too.
Saeyoung tried to go to you the whole time since you were the only one, who passed out but was knocked off by Zen
after two hours he came crying to you
,,I was so afraid! I'm sorry! I'm sorry I will be a better driver! Don't do that ever again! I love you!!''
It took you a long time after you could drive again in a car but you were feeling great again
you decided now to walk a little bit more since it was also healthy for the baby

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