RFA + Saeran with a Mc who got stuck in the floods

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after a terrible thunderstorm


When Jumin heard that there would be a thunderstorm in Seoul, he wanted to rush home right away from work.
He wanted to stay by your side because he knew that you were scared.
That you hated thunder.
,,You can't leave right now, Mr Han." his guard informed him.
Luckily the building was save enough.
Jumin tried to distract himself, he send you messages and tried to call you, which was impossible.
Just before he wanted to give up and try to get to you, he got the message which would surely change his life.
,,What do you mean that she's out there?!" he yelled.
The guard didn't dare to answer.
You went out before the storm began and somehow you didn't have time to return.
,,Search her right now." Jumin commanded.
,,I can't." he responded and left Jumin alone with his desperate thoughts.
Waiting was a curse for your husband.
He prayed and didn't lose hope.
When the storm was calmed, Jumin didn't lose time to go out to search you.
Seoul seemed a mess.
Cars were broken, trees weren't at their places anymore.
And you?
You were found three kilometers away from your home.
Only god knew how you could still breath.
But Jumin knew that you were fine and that was good enough for him.


The two of you had to go out of Korea for a filming.
In this country it was almost common that there were thunderstorms.
You were afraid since you felt insecure but Zen was sure to make you save and you were a bit more calm.
If just the storm didn't come....
It was a hour before the two of you could go finally home when a thunderstorm came.
You were scared to death, you wanted to stay by Zen's side but somehow the two of you got separated since you got pulled along with the flood.
Zen tried his best to hold into you, never letting you go.
But at some point you couldn't hold it anymore and let go of his hand.
,,MC!!" he called you desperately.
Zen saw you flow away, how your body slammed against obstacles and you head was dunked into the mud.
In that very moment Zen thought that he lost you.
Luckily some firemen's saw you in the right moment and could save you.
It took a long time to inform Zen since they couldn't find any contacts information about you but they found him and he found you.


,,GO HOME!" you screamed as the two of you got swept away from the dirty water.
You were trapped in the car and you couldn't go out or drive away.
,,I CAN'T!" Yoosung cried and tried to unfasten you and his own body.
When he successed at doing so, he quickly opened the car to jump out.
So did you with the difference that your door wouldn't open.
Yoosung swam out, sure about the fact that you were behind him. But when he turned around and saw that you weren't there but in the car, and that the car was swimming and hitting against things, his heart stopped.
He wanted to run to you, the help you out or to die with you.
But it was no use.
People who saw the happening were holding him.
His screams and cries were no help about the hell in front of his eyes.
He didn't even know if it as luck that the car got stuck.
But later on, they could revive your helpless body and save you.
,,I thought you were dead..." Yoosung cried beside you when you laid in the hospital bed.


,,Bye!" Jaehee waved her hand as you went out.
You had to buy groceries.
It was raining the whole tome, which was tiring you.
You hated rain.
But you still went out.
When you came our from the shop, the rain had gotten worse but still you had to go back home.
Little did you know that this was the wrong decision because as soon as you were in your car, you couldn't start the motor and were stuck between other cars.
You called Jaehee to tell her but it didn't work and so you had to give up.
Hours passed before firemen could help you out.
,,Where were you?" Jaehee yelled with a red, swollen face.
,,I'm sorry..." you mumbled as you stroked her back while she sobbed.
You were all wet and cold.
The fireman told you what to do and went away in order to let the both of you to rest.


He didn't believe you when you told him, that the rain seemed odd.
,,Rain is just rain." Saeyoung laughed and kissed your front.
,,Yeah but...it's so much rain!" you whined.
,,Yes yes...." Saeyoung mumbled.
,,Oh Mc! Can you go out and buy dinner?" he asked you.
You looked at your future husband and then outside.
You weren't sure if this was a good idea but you decided to do like he asked you.
You took your jacked, good shoes and went out.
,,Shit...." you mumbled as you saw that the Han Bridge was closed. Just a few minutes afterwards the streets were flooded.
A panic attack overcame you, you were afraid that you would stay here, that Saeyoung would lose you, and you would lose him.
You began to cry.
You don't even remember how a young women helped you out of the car and the police drove you home.
You just knew that you were wet and that Saeyoung was holding your body against his while crying ,,I'm sorry"


,,Saeran, I love you." you sobbed into the phone.
You were currently trapped in a shop since you got stuck in a flood.
This was a bad moment to go out and buy a cake.
,,Don't worry!" Saeran snapped into the phone to not let you hear how worried he was.
But it was no use.
Everyone could guess that he was worried for you.
The one who were trapped in the shop had to stay over there since there was no other solution.
But everything was much better the next day and you guys were able to get out.
,,Saeran!" you sobbed when you finally got to hug him.

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