It's not my child! (Trigger Warning!)

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,,Mr Han, Mrs Han, I'm happy to tell you that you, Mrs Han are not ill, you don't have HIV but I'm sorry to tell you that you are pregnant.'' the doctor told you as he looked at his documents.

,,Are you saying that my wife is pregnant with her rapist baby?!''
The doctor looked at him and nodded ,,I'm very sorry Mr Han, but I'm afraid it is so.''
,,You're fired!'' Jumin shouted and stood up to leave the white room.
You also got up and bowed in front of the doctor ,,You're not fired, I'm sorry. Thank you very much for your hard work.'' you thanked him with a trembling voice as you followed your husband.
,,Jumin...please wait!'' you called him but he didn't slow down. You just followed him to his car.
You didn't talk for the whole drive. You were afraid to face Jumin, to hear him out, to know what he had to say. And it was the same for Jumin, he couldn't face you. You were pregnant with a child and it wasn't his. But it was still his fault....his.

The day passed quickly, he was working in his room while you were in your bedroom. You both needed some time to think about it.
You were on the phone with Zen ,,Mc, how are you feeling?" he asked you with a sweet voice. Yes, you could almost fall in love with him. With his love for you.
,,Symptoms, you know? I'm afraid...sick...I don't know, Zen..." you whispered as you began to sob.
,,Mc, do you want to keep the child?" he asked you. You were shocked.
,,If Jumin w-"
,,Mc! It's your body, not Jumin's! It's your decision! What is your heart telling you?"
You didn't know what to think. What was your wish?
This child, even if it wasn't one out of love, it was your child! And your was also yours...
,,I want to keep it...I'm disgusted but I still want to keep it...!" you cried hard.
,,Mc, you are really's not important what decision you will take, the RFA and I, we will always support you!" he gave you courage.
Yes, you wanted to keep it and you had other people who supported you!
,,I'm sorry Zen but I think I'm going to sleep...after today I'm so sleepy..." you told him. Indeed, you were really tired and he understood.
It didn't take long until you fell asleep.
But it was still lonely without Jumin.

,,KYA! No! JUMIN HELP ME!" Jumin had a nightmare.
The sight of your ripped, blooded clothes hunted him even in his dreams.
Your red cheeks and your wet eyes made his heart ache.
The moment he got home and heard your screams is always replaying in his head.
The feelings he had in this very moment, his actions, his reaction, he saw everything again.
How he began to shout at his guard, the bodyguard who should keep you safe, the man who raped you.
He beat him up until your cries stopped him, until other bodyguards came and stopped him.
The two of you cried for a long time in each other's arms.
But your deep wound healed again until....
,,NO!" he woke up, sweat and tears mixed up.
His heart was still racing, his hands still trembling, his mouth was still dry...
He looked at you but you weren't in your bed.

The nightmare never ended.

Happily he found you in the bathroom.
,,Symptoms..." you smiled at him before you began to throw up again.
He helped you and stroked your back.
,,I'm happy that you're helps me go through this..."
Lie. It was a big lie.
You weren't happy.
You were afraid.
He could see in your eyes that you were afraid that he would leave you.
,,I bet you will become a really good dad!" you smiled once more.
He looked at you. You were pregnant with his bodyguard's child. But, could he really take care of a child that wasn't his?
Could he really love a baby like this?
He let go of your hair.
He looked pale.
,,You want to keep it?" he asked you as if it was the biggest mistake.
,,Well...yes." you answered.
It was your turn to fear now.
,,You...don't want it?" you asked him, unsure.
,,Well...I don't know...I'm not sure..." he answered honestly and got up.
,,I need to do work."

Mystic Messenger Headcanons, OneShots and FanFics Part 1Where stories live. Discover now