RFA + V and Saeran with a Portuguese MC

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The first time he saw you at his place he knew - you weren't korean
It was okay for him because you looked so beautiful with your black hair.
He quickly forgot to ask about your nationality when he fell in love with you
but when you went to your honeymoon and your mom called you, he got reminded
"Mãe, eu estou ótima! Sim, sim ele está a tratar-me bem"
,,Mc? What language was that and what did you say?"
,,Oh? Didn't I tell you? I'm Portuguese. But don't worry! I just assured my mom, that you were treating me well!''
he wasn't surprised but he never thought that you were Portuguese.
But thanks to you he now wanted to know everything about your country and culture!


He knew!
And he was really happy about it.
He loved your cooking, especially your Nata (Ps. My aunt is Portuguese and I love nata!!!)
Today he needed to read his lines in Portuguese, it was an modern Song but he really couldn't!
But then you came in.
He hated to ask you because he was so ashamed, that he could do nothing on his own ,,No, you have-''
,,Gosh! I'm your girlfriend! Look, this is spelled ,Você é assim, um sonho pra mim' it means ,,you're such a dream for me.''
it's a song named Velha infância, what means wonderful childhood.''
he was amazed.
,,Please, babe, sing for me.''
And he really loved the way you sang the Portuguese song for him.


,,Desculpe, acho que estou perdido...'' a woman said loud on the street.
And you, being the nice person you were, you went there helping her
Yoosung was still surprised
,,Onde você tem que ir?''you asked
After you helped the woman you went to Yoosung again
,,Wow... what was that? You can speak Spanish?''
,,Hehe! Yoosung! This was Portuguese! I'm from Portugal!''
you laughed.
He was quite shocked because you just looked like a Korean girl to him
,,Really? Then tell me about your family!'''


Today was the 25 April,
Dia da Liberdade
it was a special day for you and you told her
so for this day you decided to close the shop for once and chat about everything
,,Mhh! Mc! That's good! What's it's name?''
she asked you after you gave her something to eat.
,,That's pasteis de feijão. I love it!''
,,Mh! I love it too! I'm happy, that you can show me new things about your culture!''


He loved it when you told him swear words in your language
it was so sweet
so he made you angry every time
,,Seu parasita.Vai embora!''
you shouted at him after he hide your pads
well, messing up with a girl which had her period was maybe the wrong thing...
but he was so amused by your voice!
,,Wha! Did you just say, I'm a parasite and that I should go away?''he asked you
but in the next moment you threw your shoe at his head


One day he came home with Saeyoung and you were there, swinging your hips and dancing while you listened to the music
the boys were amazed.
You looked so hot.
And you could sing so good!
He was amazed that your English and your Portuguese was so good!
,,Ohm, Mc? Can you hear us?''he asked you and you just screamed
,,oh meu deus!''
but you noticed that your boys came home
,,Is it cold outside? You're both red!''you laughed
but to be honest they just blushed


In school he learned Portuguese he could understand everything when you explained a older woman where the bath was ,,You also had it in school?''
,,Well kinda. I lived there.''
,,Ah yeah- wait what?''
He was so puzzled.
Then you told him
he was amazed!
your Korean was fantastic!
you could even speak english
and now you were even Portuguese?
for the next holiday you went to your hometown for a few sightseeing
and he also took many pictures for you to be reminded of it.

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