Family - Zen x MC

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Zen has entered the chat
Jumin: Did you already see the cover of Mc's interview ?!
Yoosung: i was shocked!
I thought....
Zen: What? Why? What about it?
Jaehee: You haven't read it yet?
Don't tell him!
707: Here is a picture of the cover picture
707: picture
Jumin: Zen ....
Yoosung: You have to read it!
Zen left the chat
Jaehee: that's not good ....
Damn it! i told you to stay silent!

You were Zen's manager.
You stood beside the set and drank your juice.
Everyone was reading the magazine.
You were excited and looked out for Zen but you couldn't find him anywhere.
Was he happy? Was he angry?
There he was.
"Zen!" you called him smiling.
He was looking with a colleague on the cover picture and was about to flip through the magazine when he was called.
He was angry and left the set.
You ran after him but he was way too fast.
,,Zen! Wait! You have to read it! ', you called out of breath.
It was a hot day but Zen just kept running down the street.
You were at the other end of the street and couldn't run that fast because of your pregnancy.
,,Zen! Wai ...t! ", He did't turn around. Your voice was a bit quieter.
He wanted to turn around and kiss you, hug you and feel you.
But he was angry. He felt cheated. Why did you say something like this about the relationship with him?
What did you really feel?

He thought back to the day when, five months ago, you were shot instead of him.
Why did you do that if you denied your relationship?
He heard your pant. You were out of breath.
You arrived at a long street. There was a huge park with a rose bed. A fence was on your right.
Without thinking, Zen ran into a shop on the other side and bought a magazine written by Nanami, 'MytsicMessenger!'
He didn't like the headline. He paid and ran out.
You were still far behind.
,,Zen!!! You're mistaking!! Wait! *Cough *
Zen ... .
", your voice was almost pleading.
Damn Mc! What did you think you were doing?
He read the magazine and was walking normal now.
'So, Mc. To your heroic action.
How did you feel when you saved your fiancé?
Mc answered my question with tears in her eyes: The young manager said that she was in panic and that she was feeling sick.'

Zen came to the second question. There were actually only two questions. The rest was gossip.
'I asked our special guest how her boyfriend was doing. But with a grin she told me, that Zen wasn't her boyfriend!
I was too shocked and thought, she wanted to name him fiancé. But the truth is ... ‚
Zen swallowed.
,,... Her answer was that Zen was neither her boyfriend nor her fiancé. He was the father of her triplets!!!
Yes, guys! Mc is pregnant with triplets from Zen
He couldn't read the last part.
He stood there in tears and put his hand over his mouth.
He was so happy. His heart pounded, he blushed and he just wanted to ask you immediately a bunch of questions.
He wanted to see an ultrasound and to know how far you were.
Zen realized then, that he was going to become father three times at once!
He jumped and shouted, "I'm going to be a father!", He was so happy.
But he was immediately worried again.
He was such an idiot! He looked back at you. You were curved together on the ground.

His heart pounded faster and he ran back to you.
In that very moment he realized that he was walking way too fast. And, that you got hurt again because of him. He arrived to you and saw that you were bleeding at the hand since you were grabbing the fence.
You cried, "Zen ...don't leave me ... uhuu. I thought, you-you were happy! ", you were already sniffing and Zen's heart ached to see his sweetheart like that.
He was feeling bad and just wanted to hug you.
Babe, I'm sorry. There was a mistake....I thought you were denying our relationship and ...
Mc, if there's anything I hate, then it's seeing you sad.
And I'm the reason. I hurt you all the time and ... please let go of the fence. I'm not leaving you but your hands ....
What if there's a scar? I can't bear it anymore
.'' you realized a strange pain in your hand and let go of the fence.
You put your head on his chest and cried and coughed.
Zen pulled you up. You could't stand on your own but Zen was there, holding you. He stroked your back until you finally stopped crying.
Then he bent down and stroked your still flat stomach.
,,Triplets, huh? I was really good. ", He grinned

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