RFA +Saeran+ Vanderwood with a MC with Philophobia

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He was shocked when you cried one night in your room.
He didn't know what to do, he was the one who was afraid right now.
He hugged you and stroked you, whispering sweet words into your ear.
When he finally could ask you while you were crying, you confessed that you were afraid.Afraid to fall in love, in love with him.
He looked at you and smiled, his warm smile let you feel as if everything could turn out good.
,,Why? Are you afraid to lose something? In life nothing is certain except death so feel free to fall in love because you won't even lose me if you wish it..." he told you and brushed away your salty tears.
Maybe you were afraid because of Sarah Choi but thanks to his words, this fear didn't exist anymore....


When he confessed to you you were so happy.
You wanted to jump and scream, happiness filled your heart.
But short after this rush of happiness, you were afraid.
You were in love, right?
He was in love right? You were happy, right? Was this happiness okay for you...?
You couldn't stop this feeling, as soon as you noticed that you were in love, you wanted to run away.
You had a panic attack but luckily Zen noticed right away.
What was happening with you? Why where you so afraid?
,,I LOVE YOU!" he confessed and kissed you.
Your heart was still beating like crazy but this was because of his kiss.
,,Let me help you...no need to be afraid...." he tried to calm you.


He would never forget the hurt look in your eyes.
The scared face when he kissed you, your trembling body when he hugged you.
He was afraid.
Was your past perhaps that hurtful?
But Seven helped him.He told him his thesis and Yoosung was pretty sure what it was.
Philophobia. The fear to fall in love.
One day Yoosung just came and visited you.
He kneeled in front of you and took your hand.
,,My heart is beating because of you. That's called love. And trust me, I'm afraid too. I'm afraid that you will be unhappy, will leave me or never love me the way I love you...but that's normal, okay? Let's endure this together."
And so you decided to ignore your fear and trust Yoosung instead.


She didn't notice.
You behaved normal but one day she noticed that you were nervous around her.
She was worried.
Was there something troubling you? Couldn't you tell her?
This made her anxious too.
She wanted you to be free and happy around you.
That's why she somehow stayed by your side and kept asking you.
Until you glared at her and yelled at her.
,,YOU REALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT I'M SCARED, RIGHT?!" you asked her in a serious tone.
She was surprised, you were afraid but didn't tell her.
When you had a breakdown, she embraced you and put your head on her soft chest and waited until you told her.
She had no idea how to handle this fear and told you, that she would go to see a specialist with you.


He noticed right away that the topic love was an oddly one for you.
When he first chatted with you and told you, that he wanted to marry you at the space station, you didn't answer and left the chatroom.
He wanted to ask you about it, to tell you that he didn't mean it that way but then he moved in with you and rejected you...
That was perhaps what triggered your breakdown when he treated you really bad.
You were afraid to fall in love but managed it to become happy, to let yourself fall in love.
But this love wasn't a happy love, it was scary how much he hurt you.
When he found out, he was a wrack.
He hacked your phone and found out while reading the chat between you and Zen.
That's why Zen asked him to let you go, that's why Zen wanted to come to save you.
But Saeyoung wouldn't lose a loved one again.
,,LOOK AT ME!" he yelled and grabbed your arms and kissed you afterwards.
,,Yeah, you have to be scared. Scared that you won't be able to stop our marriage because I love you and want to protect you...my life is full with hardship. I never rejected you because I don't love you but because I do love you....!"
Afterwards Saeyoung had to take care of you, Saeran and himself but together you were able to get rid of your fears....!


He was so lovely.
Perhaps that's what scared you.
You were there, no way to go out and about to fall in love with him....
You were afraid that you would become happy.
Where you even allowed to be happy by his side?
But Ray quickly found out how you felt.
,,I'm afraid myself." he confessed.
,,When you kissed me I felt weird...scared. I believe you felt the same. That's why I think that together we can allow ourselves to fall in love, how about it...?" he asked you and whispered.
You were still scared. But you tried your best to let it happen.
And while taking care of his second side, you quickly forgot about the fear!!


,,Philophobia? How childish." he told you when you confessed him that you were afraid to fall in love with him.
,,That means that you're not in love with me, right? You're afraid." he asked you.
,,A person in love has to feel secure around the special one." he tried to tell you.
That's when you decided to get through the fear on your own.
You wanted to prove him that you felt secure and that you could love him.
And after a lot of research, sweat and tears you were freed by this fear and confessed to him again.
,,I'm happy. I can finally kiss you without being afraid to scare you!" he chuckled and kissed you

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