RFA + V and Saeran with a MC who is dealing with postpartum depression

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Knowing that you were pregnant was the best thing what could happen to him.
He was happy, his heart was about to burst.
So, he wanted to be sure that you and his baby were save.
When you fainted on the bath floor his heart was about to stop.
He was scared and that's why you weren't allowed to stand up anymore.
You had to lay the whole pregnancy in the bed.
Well that's what he planned.
But he was even more hurt to hear that you were crying all day.
,,Mc, come on. You have to eat...!"
,,No...I'm tired. I don't want to." you were sad.
He was helpless. And afraid.
What did he do? He was so sad to see your pale face.
He asked the doctor what to do ,,Mr. Han! I understand that you're afraid! But postpartum depression is serious! She's allowed to do everything!"
After you were allowed to stand up again you were happy again.
After all he loved you the most when you were smiling with your red face and blue eyes.


The pregnancy was alright.
Everything was perfect.
You were in your 39th week when you gave birth.
He had to stay outside, this made him angry.
But when the doctor told him that you were alright, his heart was beating normal again.
He entered the white room but was shocked right away.
The nurse was trying to give you the baby but you seemed to be against it.
,,Mc...babe? What's wrong? Don't cry...aren't you happy to see that our girl is here, healthy?" he was afraid.
,,Ugh....I don't know! I don't know what to do with this child! I'm afraid. I can't do it after all...!" your heart was beating quickly, your hands were trembling.
You were afraid. You knew how clumsy you were.
You were afraid that you could let her fall, to hurt her. You weren't someone good enough....
Zen disturbed more depressive throughs and took the baby
,,Don't worry girl. Mommy is just sleepy. She loves you. See Mc. It isn't that hard." he sat beside you.
You sobbed and looked at your girl. She was indeed beautiful. Perfect.
Her little finger grabbed your finger.
You smiled.
Zen helped you go through this depression, thanks to the doctor's help.


He was so happy.
But at the same time he was scared.
He sat beside you. You were crying for three hours now.
,,I'm tired...I want to sleep....! And...and gosh I don't have the energy to say anything more....!" you sobbed.
You cheeks felt hot.
You were unwell in your skin but you didn't know what to do.
In the one moment you were speaking with your mom on the phone, happily and chatting about your baby boy.
But in the next moment you were crying even worse.
They still were there, mood swings....poor boy...
He was really happy when your depression stopped after a month.
You were finally full with energy, smiling and talking happily with your baby.


To be honest.... the both of you were depressed.
He was depressed through your pregnancy and you...after the pregnancy.
He was helpless.
You were a crying mess, your cheeks were red and he...he cried with you.
He was afraid that you regret the pregnancy...the baby.
The marriage with him.
He tried to calm you so much but nothing helped.
,,Mc, my 606. Please tell me....tell me why you're so sad? Why are you crying?"
,,Shut up!" you were frustrated.
But you didn't know why.
You wanted to feel happy but you felt empty.
Yes, you had an empty mood.
,,Mr. Choi. It's okay. Some woman are depressed after the childbirth. The important thing now is to be there for her and support her." the doctor told him private.
So Saeyoung laid beside you in your hospital bed and just hugged you while you cried in his warm chest.
You felt good afterwards.
And he was relieved.


Pregnant with twins.
When you told him he was a bit shocked and angry.
But after a time he was happy to start a family with you.
But he didn't know it was that hard.
You were already dismissed from the hospital.
But you still lied in your bed, looking up.
Your eyes were empty.
You were powerless.
Always sleepy and moody.
You didn't know how to bond with your children.
You felt as if they destroyed everything in your life.
And the thing what was even worse-you hated yourself.
You hated yourself for being like that.
You wanted to make Saeran happy.
But you reminded him of his mother.
When you told him, he was about to slap you but stopped ,,Don't say that....don't say that as if it is nothing.....Mc....please...please, I need you to become normal again....''
His words...they helped you.
The next day you were finally better, a bit.
You slovely got used to it, being a mother. But you wanted to become a good mother!


You were in your final week.
You looked at all these pictures. They showed you and your old body, you were so skinny.
You hated yourself. And you hated it being pregnat.
Weird throughs came up, like ,,I don't deserve this....I deserve better...!''
But other times you just regret your words and were angry at yourself ,,Other women can't get pregnant but i get pregnant! My poor child! I'm a bad mother! Why me! My child...I'm so sorry for it.''
Jihyun wanted to understand your feelings. But he couldn't.
He was sad and angry.
You were so happy at the begin. You were so happy to be pregnant and now?
You hated it.
He cried every night. He didn't know what to do with you.
It was so hard to go through the pain he felt with his mother and now you?
But everything changed as soon as you gave birth and held your baby boy in your arms.
,,Jihyun! look at this angle! I want to eat him....he looks so delicious! Yes you do, my baby! Awweeee you will do such a great model!''
He was so puzzled and surprised about your reaction.
But at the same time he was happy that you weren't that depressed anymore!
You finally were over these powerless, tiresome and angry moments!

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