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Zenny was still crying over V but also he was really grateful that he saved his MC. The two of you would go to his grave every month just to tell him, how things are going. The only thing you didn't know was, that Rika was also there, listening to everything you told him ,,V, next month we won't be able to come here. Well, MC and I are going to marry and after this, we will go to our honeymoon. Jumin arranged everything, I'm not happy about it but I have to say...It's amazing'' ,,I wish, you cold also come, V. I'm sorry that we couldn't be together so long.'' ,,Maybe he will come as ghost, MC!'' ,,Yeah! The location is so beautiful. I'm sure he will come and take picture of us!'' and with this you went away. A month later the happy day came. You looked so beautiful. It was the happiest day since you met Zen. At least, you thought this. At the evening. When only the RFA was there, you talked ed a little bit. But somehow there was another guest- Rika. ,,How?! WHY ARE YOU HERE?! GO OUT NOW!''you screamed. ,,I'm sorry for everything. I wanted to take pictures in V's place.'' she told you as nothing happened. Yoosung was so shocked, he wanted to take her home. He knew she needed help. ,,Go out. Else I will kill you.'',,Please listen to me. I want to-''


Rika was on the floor and you were on the top holding her hands. ,,WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WHO TOLD YOU ABOUT THSI?!'' ,,My sun, my lovely-''


,,My sun?! Are you crazy or what?!'' ,,I'm sorry, my sun. I'm sorry for V but I loved him and-'' ,,Don't come with I'M SORRY MY SUN! If you were really sorry! If you were, you would have stopped with this shit! You would have stopped taking the medication, you brainwashed my best friends brother! You killed the savior of my husband! You killed my best friends childhood friend! You killed the man, who helped my best friend getting a job! You ruined our lives! You killed our sun! YOU KILLED THE ONE, WHO LOVED, SAVED AND CARED ABOUT US! Don't come with I'm sorry! Not today, or ever!'' ,,I'm sorry! He wanted this! But how did you know?''

Now you were holding her blond hair ,,HOW?! I ALSO LIVED IN THE HELL WITH MY FRIENDS!'' you let her go. ,,Don't come with I'm sorry when you don't regret anything.'' With this Jumin let his security come and Zen helped you to get up. The two of you cried together on the ground while the RFA could just sit there with you. Yoosung went with Rika to a Hospital. You all knew how he felt so for a few days you didn't hear anything. But you knew, he was there. After the big shock you finally went to your honeymoon letting everything behind you. And when you came back, the two of you could began a new story together. ,,Woud you be like that also in our bed room for me?''

Mystic Messenger Headcanons, OneShots and FanFics Part 1Where stories live. Discover now