I've Been Here Before (Middle Earth/Gondor)

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You were finally here.

The white tree stood before you and you gazed upon its branches. Even the tree held no life and the thought did not comfort you. But you held out a hand and caressed the trunk before walking towards the doors. You pushed them open and went inside the hall.

Another throne left empty, another hall abandoned.

You were about to give up and let the grief swallow you.

But you heard voices. You heard noise. You heard footsteps and laughter and someone was calling out your name and then many voices called out to you. You blinked and knew it wasn't just a figment of your imagination.

Albeit scared, you turned around.

And you couldn't stop yourself from crying.

There they all were, standing before you with smiles on their faces. They beamed at you. Those who were immortal looked as lovely as they had always been and those who have aged looked young again. There were no signs of pain on their faces.

All of them were there, and they were great solace to your heavy heart.

"You've gone through a lot in this world, dear friend," Aragorn spoke, a hand around Arwen's waist.

"We apologize for the grief we had caused," said Boromir, with a hand resting on Faramir's shoulder. Faramir held Eowyn's hand in his. With her other hand Eowyn held Eomer's.

You shook your head while wiping away your tears. "You are all worth these tears. You are all dear to me. I am thankful to have known you, even when all things come to an end."

They all exchanged sad smiles as they heard your words. In the midst of your sniffling, Gandalf walked towards a door to the left of the throne. He placed a palm on the door and muttered something.

It swung open and you expected it to reveal a dark room. But when it opened, you had to squint for there was a bright light coming from the other side of the door.

"It is time, (Y/N)," Gandalf said.

You knitted your eyebrows. "Time for what?"

"Time to go."

"To where?"

To this, Gandalf could only shrug and smile. You looked back at everyone and they nodded encouragingly at you. But you hesitated.

"But what about all of you? Will I ever see you again?" you asked.

"We're always with you, (Y/N)," Bilbo answered.

Frodo nodded. "As long as you remember us and our stories, we are with you wherever you go."

No longer able to keep yourself calm, you ran to Bilbo and hugged him. He chuckled and hugged you back all the same. With a sad sigh, he kissed your forehead and whispered to your ear, "Go on—there is adventure waiting for you."

With one last look at all of them, you turned to the door and walked towards it. You were scared, you had to admit, but all their words of encouragement comforted you and gave you courage. Taking a deep breath, you stepped towards the light and left Middle Earth behind you.

You knew what you left behind.

But where were you heading off to?

(In Tumblr, I continued this to Narnia, but I am not going to include that here because this is a book for LOTR and The Hobbit imagines, after all.)

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