Kilig -Legolas

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(So this is the 100th paaaaaart! I'm doing a series and I'm posting it first on Tumblr but I shall soon post it here too. That will be the special for reaching 100 parts and nearly 12K reads! Thank you so much to everyone who has left a like and a comment and has read through all that I wrote, even though I know I have a lot of typos hngggh)

"(Y/N), dear, I believe there is a fine gentleman waiting for you outside the library."

You looked up from the book, a little dazed from how quickly you had to draw back from the world you had created in your mind when you heard someone call out to you. Blinking, you looked up to see Arwen with a rather teasing smile on her lips.

"A gentleman? Waiting for me?" you said. "Well who would that be? Why would anyone wait for me?"

She raised an eyebrow and looked towards the open doors, her smile never leaving her lips. "You will have to get up and leave the library to find out."

Before you could even ask further, Arwen walked away, the hems of her sapphire blue gown sliding across the floor. Her words made you curious as to who was out there. So even though you haven't even spent an hour in the library, you closed your book and got up from your seat.

You were quite sad that you weren't able to finish another chapter but all of that was forgotten when you saw who was standing by the door.

He had his back towards you as he looked at the rivers and trees, hands on the railings. His silver hair was, as always, put in a simple yet elegant braid. Missing was his swords and bow and arrow that were usually on his back. He was wearing a rather fine tunic and dark pants.

Without seeing his face, you already knew who it was.

"Legolas," you said, and you tried your best to be calm but your heart was beating so fast.

The elf turned—he turned rather too quickly—and smiled when his eyes met yours. You could not help but look away with a shy smile on your face. Legolas was practically beaming even though you could see that he was trying to hide the fact that he was very pleased to see you there.

"(Y/N)," he said. "I see that you were once again in the library."

You chuckled. "I see that you were once again waiting for me."

Legolas scratched the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. "When I learned that you would always be here in the evening, I could not help but wait outside. The time I spend with you walking you back to your room is too short. I thought if I accompany you the moment you get out of the library, I would have more time to see you and talk to you."

"You are free to sit with me in the library, Legolas," you said, hoping that your hair hid your face from his view. There was nothing you could do about the blush on your cheeks.

The both of you started to walk down the corridors and towards the gardens. This was the path that you always took before reaching your room. It was a long path, but you loved to have a little walk before going to bed. It helped you think and calm yourself.

Your pace was slow—the both of you were eager to have more time together. With you doing your duties in Rivendell while Legolas trained and talked with the other members of the Fellowship, there was no time to be able to spend time in the morning and afternoon. But this was good, this was better, because in the evenings Rivendell was quiet and Legolas could talk to you without worrying about someone interrupting.

"I do not think it would be a good idea for me to sit beside you in the library," he said, stopping by the bench near the roses. With his hands intertwined behind him, Legolas looked at you bashfully.

"Why not?" you asked.

"I do not think it will be possible for me to read properly." His smile will be the death of you. "I will end up staring at you and that might make you uncomfortable."

"Legolas, have you no pity on my heart?" you muttered, hiding your face behind the book that you were carrying. He isn't afraid to tell his feelings nor his intentions. He is so open about his affection. His words made your heart flutter. Before, you doubted that you would ever find someone who'd be interested in you and if someone ever does, you thought they wouldn't be this vocal about their love.

But Legolas entered in your life and you received more than you ever thought of.

Legolas chuckled and peered behind the book, trying to catch a glimpse of your face. He loved showering you with compliments and loved letting you know of his feelings. He had been given this opportunity to court you, to prove himself to you. Legolas won't waste this and he will do everything that he can to make you feel loved.


You lowered your book and met his gaze. "What is it?" you asked.

"I have looked for you for thousands of years. Now that I have found you, I don't want to lose you. But I must leave." Legolas stepped closer to you. "Will you wait for me?"

"I have waited for you for thousands of years. I will gladly wait, even if it takes a hundred more for you to come back to me."


—(Filipino; Philippines)

Meaning: Exhilaration or elation caused by an exciting or romantic experience; an instance of this, a thrill

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