The Little Moments That Bring Us Joy -Elrond

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(I thought it would be nice to incorporate some of the little things I find joy in. Sometimes we get so overwhelmed by the bad stuff that's happening in the world, we forget to appreciate the little moments that make us smile. I hope this reminds you of them.)

"What makes you happy?"

"Waking up early in the morning with the sun barely up, the sky still dark and the stars still out. And while you realize that it is still too early to get up and get on with your responsibilities, you feel the cold morning air and bury yourself deeper in the blankets to go back to sleep."

 It was dark outside, with the stars still twinkling in the sky. But looking into the horizon you could see the faintest rays that told you the sun was coming.

Stifling a yawn, you sat up slowly to gaze out of the window. Rarely did you get to enjoy the silence of the early morning. But whenever you got the chance to wake up at this hour, you couldn't help but feel at peace. It was the same kind of serenity that you felt whenever you found yourself still awake in the depths of the night while everyone else was asleep.

It was as if some kind of magic was at work.

As you sat there, listening to the faint chirping of the birds, rustling of the trees, and the trickling of water from the distant fountains and waterfalls, the morning breeze blew and touched your skin. The thin nightgown you had did not help in protecting you from the wind, and you shivered. But it wasn't unpleasant—it soothed and calmed you.

You wish you could stay like that for the rest of the day. But alas, you were the wife of the Lord of Imladris, Lord Elrond Peredhil. You have responsibilities and you have meetings to attend to. There was a circlet and a dress and robes to wear and there is a need to hold your chin up high.

With a sigh, you rubbed your eyes gently and turned to get back to bed. You expected to see your husband fast asleep, but there he was, still lying on the bed but with his eyes open. And he was watching you through heavy-lidded eyes.

"Why are you awake so early, darling?" he asked, his voice deep and raspy from sleep. A shudder ran through you—oh how you loved his morning voice. "The bed suddenly felt colder when you left my arms."

You smiled and lay down beside Elrond, pulling up the covers. "I wanted to admire the tranquility the early morning brings. Rarely are we able to sit in peace without hearing other voices calling for our attention," you muttered, sighing in bliss as he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him.

Elrond hummed in agreement and placed a kiss on your forehead. "The next time you wake up this early, you have to wake me up as well."

"Why?" you asked, looking up at him.

"I want to share moments such as that with you." Elrond returned your gaze and smiled. "Now, let us go back to sleep. We still have a few hours ahead of us before we have to get up again," he said, pressing his cheek against the top of your head.

You rest your head against his chest and nodded. The both of you always had to get ready immediately when you woke up. There was no opportunity to ask for more time to sleep. But this was absolutely wonderful. Waking up and realizing you can relax for a little while and still go back to sleep before you have to tackle head on the responsibilities waiting for you made you smile.

This little moment did not come often but whenever it did, it made you happy and it made you look forward for the next ones. With only yours and Elrond's hushed voices to break the silence and each other's warmth to fight off the cold morning air and the promise of a few more hours before letting your duties burden your shoulders made the day bearable.

It made you look forward to something.

It made life worth living.

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