Forest Green -Father!Thranduil X Daughter!Reader

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(Requested by anon on Tumblr: Oh i love a happy thranduil and legolas! Could i possibly request another thranduil x daughter and legolas sister. I don’t really care what. Angst or fluff. Maybe even with a background elf of your choosing?

Author's Notes: this took so long 😭😭 I'm sorry for the wait! But srsly I loved this request I just smiled so much because Thranduil's family dynamics, to me, is a happy family filled with teasing and laughter. I draw inspiration from my own family. Yes it means I sometimes try and get a hug from my little sister and sometimes she and our mom would try to get me to join their group hug 😂 also I didn't give a name for Thranduil's wife since I don't know what name would suit her

Pairings: Father!Thranduil X Daughter!Reader, Brother!Legolas X Sister!Reader, just a hint of Meludir X Reader because he deserves love this cutie pie

Warnings: none I decided to go with fluff)

“Ada, what is all this?”

Thranduil innocently looked at you, as if a handful of elves weren’t entering your room with different gowns and dresses in their arms and leaving them in your closet. You could barely see him as he stood by the doorway, facilitating the entry of each dress, with all the commotion going on. Thranduil would nod in approval if the dress brought in was to his taste and he would stop an elf from getting in when he didn’t like it.

At long last the elves were finished and you were left with a closet overflowing with gowns and dresses made out of the finest fabrics. Even though you thought your father was taking this too seriously, you had to praise him. Thranduil absolutely knew which colors you loved and what kind of clothes you preferred. He actually paid attention to what you wear.

“Why, my dear (Y/N), these clothes are for you!” Thranduil dramatically made his way to your closet and gestured at them with a wave of his hand. “There is an upcoming party, yes? You can pick whichever dress you like. But I personally love this forest green one, my dear. It is quite astonishing.”

You giggled at Thranduil and walked to him. Your closet could barely contain all the skirts and robes. He smirked, proud of his work and the fact that he made you smile.

Crossing your arms across your chest, you raised an eyebrow at your father. "Ada, don't you think this is too much?"

"Nonsense, there is nothing as too much for us," Thranduil said. He began looking through the selection of clothes and pulling out the ones he like. "Your father is, as what they say behind my back, fabulous. It is only fitting my daughter would be the center of attention."

You laughed at the ridiculousness that is your father. "And what about my brother?"

"Oh, I will get to him later," Thranduil said, winking at you. "No one will notice if he wears the same tunics to a party. He rarely lingers for a dance."

"How rude of you two!"

Chortling to yourselves, you and Thranduil turned to see Legolas glaring at you playfully. Your brother was once again wearing his hunting gear, suggesting that he had been out in the woods again. Legolas walked towards you and raised his eyebrows at your closet. When he turned his gaze to you, you pointed at Thranduil who then looked away as if he didn't see anything.

"So," Thranduil said, "which dress will you be wearing, iellig? Like I said, I feel strongly for this forest green dress."

"Well what color will you, Nana, and Legolas be wearing?" you asked. "It would be lovely if we all wore matching colors."

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