And The Sorrow And Hope In Between -Elrond

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(Author's Notes: this is another series that I am planning to do, similar to "The Little Moments That Bring Us Joy" thing.

While that series intended to remind you of the little things that make us happy, this one will acknowledge the little things that make us sad. I know it may sound weird and it may just pull others down. But hear me out.

I think there is also beauty in sadness. Even though it isn't a nice feeling and some of us drown in them (I've been there too) sometimes we come to realize a lot of things whenever we go through stuff like this. And I think it's nice to know that people feel the same way that we do, that we get sad or upset over these things. It's nice to know that you're not alone. It's nice to be acknowledged, that it isn't a petty thing like how others would see it.

I also wanted to show that there is hope and it can be found even/or most especially in the darkest of times. Maybe remind us too that there is hope. I hope in some way that through this, we can find strength in ourselves and know that we can push through.

Some might be significantly shorter, but I hope to get the point across.

Warning: this series will remind you of some sad stuff, so if this triggers you, please don't read.  (if this needs a more specific trigger warning, please let me know))

"What makes you sad?"

"When I see the sun about to set. And I know and I do think it is beautiful, but it signifies the end of the day, that another day has passed."

You looked at the sunset and how the sky was smeared with shades of yellow and orange and pink and blue. You always marvelled at its beauty and loved the sight of the stars after the sun has said good bye.

But there was this feeling of unease,—maybe it was more of sadness. You didn't know why. The feeling of emptiness, something inexplicable, settled in your heart whenever you stood in your room and watch it grow dimmer as night falls. When the shadows grew longer and devoured the whole room, leaving it dark and gloomy, it seemed to echo a place in your mind and heart that you tried to lock away.

There was no escaping it. It was a given that the sun will rise and the moon will continue to chase it and it's a never-ending cycle.

And on those days where you think you accomplished nothing of importance, you felt more uncomfortable. You felt like you wasted a day, that you could have been more productive. Even though elves were immortal and that time seemed to go slower for them, and even though a day is like a second, you still felt guilty of not doing enough.

So you stood there on your balcony, silent and still. You stood there for a very long time until the sun has gone down and the stars started to fill up the dark sky. You stood there, barely moving, until your husband comes in your room and stands beside you.

Elrond knew of this uneasiness that the end of a day brings to you. He knows even without you telling it to him because even he had his fair share of feeling this way. And he knows he cannot do anything to make it completely disappear, because this feeling comes and goes and most of the time you never know when it will decide to linger.

But he knows he can give you a bit of hope, a bit of reassurance because that was what you gave him whenever he felt the same way.

So he took a step back and stood behind you before placing his arms around your waist. Elrond pulled you closer to him, resting his chin on your shoulder. You instantly felt warm and more comfortable—his hugs felt like being wrapped in a warm blanket. Pressing kisses on your neck up to your cheeks, Elrond sighed and whispered to your ear, with sincerity and fondness in his voice, "The sun will rise again, my love. We can always look forward to tomorrow."

"But what gives you hope despite it making you sad?"

"When a day passes, there is always a tomorrow. And every tomorrow that comes is another opportunity to try again."

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