C'est ça, l'amour -Haldir

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(Requested by anon: (I couldn't include everything and I changed her request because yeah Thranduil is married) the main idea is, because of the angst I made for Thranduil titled I Wish I Was Her, anon wanted that reader should experience true love and joy too and Thranduil could go and be miserable (we still love you bibi).

Author's Notes: I tried to make it angsty for Thranduil but I couldn't help but make him happy with his relationship with Legolas. I hope you like it anon and I'm sorry it took long hnngghhh busy week aheadddd this is also split into three parts wooooo so happy Haldir gets a series. Okay also let's say the Queen died before Legolas turned 1 or something and reader became wet nurse after that until he became three. Because even though the minds of the elves develop fast, their body is slower (correct me if I'm wrong pls). I also have no idea how long elves would need to breast feed or if they even need to breast feed but let's assume they'd need around 1 to 2 or even 3 years old.

Warnings: angst but there will be fluff, just believe my darlings

Pairings: Haldir X Reader, a bit of Thranduil X Reader)

"My lord?"

The Elvenking continued to write something on his parchment, as if he didn't hear you call out to him. But you knew he did-you noticed how his shoulders tensed and how his moving hand stopped for a moment. So you tried to call him again.

"King Thranduil."

His other hand balled up into a fist but he continued to write. When he ran out of ink, he dipped his quill into his ink bottle and proceeded to write more words. You ran out of patience.

"Thranduil Oropherion!"

The quill stopped moving. There was a moment of silence. The tension in the air was suffocating. But you maintained your glare. Slowly he leaned back on his seat, his quill rolling down the desk. The King also held a glare and it was one that intimidated even the bravest of soldiers. It did send shivers down your spine but you had courage to face his wrath.

"What do you want?" he asked. You could hear the venom in his voice.

You stared straight at his blue orbs. "The Prince had not been sleeping properly for days now," you reported.

"Is this worth the interruption?" Thranduil raised an eyebrow. "Is it not your job to take care of him? To tend to his needs? You are his wet nurse, are you not?"

"I am no longer his wet nurse, my lord. I have not been one for fifty-two years. I am but a maid who is assigned to assist Prince Legolas."

The look of surprise that flashed across his face satisfied and saddened you. It satisfied you because you proved him wrong. But it saddened you to know that he never really paid attention to you and your efforts to take care of his child. Legolas was turning fifty-five this year. You had only been his wet nurse until he turned three. You then became some sort of babysitter for him for seven years. After that you became a maid of the Royal Family.

All those years you spent close to Legolas and Thranduil did not even notice how long you've been there or how his son was growing.

Thranduil cleared his throat and waved his hand. "Well you said it yourself-you are a maid assigned to assist him. Why should I be bothered about this?"

"My lord, I am not his parent. I do not know everything that he needs. I am also not the answer to all of his questions," you said. You were almost pleading for him to listen. Legolas was longing for his father's attention and love. Thranduil did show care and he did what he could while juggling the duties he had as a King. But these nightmares Legolas had been having were things only Thranduil could help with.

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