May I? -Glorfindel

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(Requested by anon: Can i request Glorfindel x human! Reader where they are playing hide and seek in Rivendell? Just some fun and fluff :) thanks

Author's Notes: Hiiiii! I hope you like this! I don't know where I was going with this hnnnggghh you can tell I'm not that good at fluffy stuff 😭😆 also how are you guys? had a really stressful week due to this project I'm working on and I am once again reminded why I always fear being excited for something. It's because something bad always follows gjgjhfhfdydet

Warnings: none)

The door creaked open and Elrond looked up, startled even by how gentle it had moved. His surprised expression turned into a curious look when he saw you enter. With your back to him, you looked out of the door for a few moments before closing it. When you turned to face him, Elrond had his eyebrows raised.

It was his silent way of asking 'What on earth are you up to now?'

"I am hiding from Glorfindel," you whispered, placing a finger on your lips with a sheepish smile on your face.

Elrond should have found this quite peculiar but he didn't. You and Glorfindel were known for being troublemakers, although you caused trouble between yourselves rather than pull pranks on others. They weren't anything serious—more like the two of you being childish. But these antics brought joy and amusement to the others because whenever they saw how happy Glorfindel was or whenever they hear how your melodious laughter echoed through the halls, they forget their worries and their hearts are filled with gladness.

He tilted his head, gesturing for you to explain why you were running away from Glorfindel. You walked closer to him. Elves were quite light on their feet. But you weren't an elf and so if you walked normally, all of the nearby elves would know you were there. So you have resorted to going barefoot and tiptoeing as you went, just in case Glorfindel was near enough to hear your scuttling.

"I was painting when he came to my room. When I did not pay attention to him, he resorted to dipping his fingers in my jars of paint and tried to smear them on my face," you answered.

The elf-lord shook his head in amusement, a smile playing on his lips, before turning back to the papers on his desk.

You were about to relax and maybe even lounge on the balcony, for you were quite certain Glorfindel wouldn't try to look there, when a sudden knock came on the door. Even Elrond's eyes widened in panic, and that panic was for you who were still out in the open. The voice that called out from the other side of the door made Elrond do frantic gestures at you to find somewhere to hide. Goodness, if you weren't panicking too you would have marvelled at the idea of Elrond helping you with mischief!

Elrond's study had a loft with walls lined with bookshelves. On that floor there was a desk. You ran up the stairs and decided to hide under it.

You disappeared underneath the desk just when the door opened and an ellon entered the room. His golden locks fall past his shoulders, barely reaching his waist. His fair face remained bright and it was clear he was having fun, but there was a hint of agitation.

Glorfindel was having fun running around Imladris even though the paint on his fingers were already dry. But he was getting desperate. He was about to tell you something important! And Glorfindel didn't know if he could wait for another day to do it because he was afraid he would lose the courage to say what he wanted to say.

"Lord Elrond, I apologize if I have disturbed you," Glorfindel said, bowing his head in greeting.

Elrond smiled, casting a cheeky glance at the desk on his loft before looking back at the ellon. "There is no need to apologize. I was just reading through some papers. How can I help you?"

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