The Little Moments That Bring Us Joy -Bilbo Baggins

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(The setting of this oneshot is years before Bilbo went with the Company for the Quest of Erebor. Also we gonna have those cute curls that Hobbits have. I thought it would be nice to incorporate some of the little things I find joy in. Sometimes we get so overwhelmed by the bad stuff that's happening in the world, we forget to appreciate the little moments that make us smile. I hope this reminds you of them.)

"What makes you happy?"

"Greeting someone or receiving from someone Good Mornings and Hellos and doing something kind, albeit small little things, that make other people smile. And thanking someone or receiving thank yous make my day."

 Bilbo sat on the bench in front of his house, pipe in his hand and a book on his lap. It was a beautiful day, according to Bilbo. It was a sunny day, but not painfully hot, and it was the perfect opportunity to sit outside and read in peace.

He was about to continue on to the next chapter when someone passed by.

"Good morning."

Bilbo looked up and he was about to automatically respond with a greeting but he found that the two words simply vanished from his thought. There you were by the gate, with some of your (Hair color) curls that escaped the bun you had tied them into framing your face perfectly. On your lips was a soft smile that melted his heart and in your eyes was an expectant look.

He cleared his throat and closed his book. "Good morning to you as well, (Y/N)," he managed to say without stammering. But Bilbo's heart was hammering inside him and he tried to calm himself down. Goodness, he always thought he would be a perfect Hobbit when the time would come that he would find the Hobbit he will love. He didn't think he would be reduced to a Hobbit that always felt nervous worried about what to say and how to act.

"I see you are enjoying this fine day," you said, looking at the book he was reading earlier. "I do believe that you will enjoy that book as much as I have."

"You've read it as well?" he asked, standing up and walking towards the gate.

You nodded happily. "Yes I have! It is well-written and I have to say it is one of my favorites."

"Well, I shall keep that in mind and tell you my thoughts when I finish it." Bilbo then noted the basket full of laundry that you was carrying. "Are you off to the river?"

"I am. How I wish the laundry could walk and wash themselves." You sighed and heaved the basket up. "It was nice seeing you today, Bilbo. I shall go now. Good bye!"

"Wait!" Bilbo exclaimed, making you stop in your tracks. He quickly opened the gate and walked up to you. He held out his hands towards your basket. "Please, let me carry your basket."

"Oh no, I couldn't possibly let you carry this, not while you were enjoying this fine day," you said, but Bilbo shook his head with a small smile and took your basket from your hands.

"Nonsense! What kind of gentleman am I if I let you carry this yourself? It is quite heavy!" he said. When he saw you bite your lip in hesitation, Bilbo started to walk. "You can't make me change my mind, (Y/N)!"

As the both of you walked towards the river, you talked about the Shire and all that comes and goes there. You shared quite a few good laughs and stories. Not once did Bilbo complain about carrying your basket because he found that he forgot how heavy it was while chatting with you. At last you reached the river and Bilbo set your laundry down on a rock.

You turned to him with a shy smile, your left hand holding your right elbow. "Thank you, Bilbo, I appreciate your help," you said and you blushed as he beamed at you. Of all the thank yous he had received, yours were the ones that never failed to make him the happiest.

"You are always welcome, (Y/N)." Bilbo then cleared his throat and pointed back to the direction of his house. "I must get going now. Good bye!"

"Have a nice day!" you said as he hurried back to his house, giggling to yourself as you noticed him walk with a little skip in his every step. When he was out of sight, you turned to your laundry and sighed.

It was in the evening that Bilbo saw you again, this time with a basket filled with flowers in your arms. He hurried towards you and said, "Good evening to you, (Y/N)."

You laughed. "Good evening, Bilbo. What brings you out here at this hour?" you asked.

"I just came from a chat with my friends." Bilbo pointed to the flowers in your basket. "And what about you? What are these flowers for?"

"Oh, I went to visit my sister and she gave me some flowers to decorate my home. Some I shall plant and some I shall turn into flower crowns for the children," you answered. Then you stopped in your tracks and looked through your basket. Bilbo stopped and waited for you with curious eyes. From your basket you took a bunch of flowers tied neatly with twine. They were red and pink roses. Carefully you held it towards him.

He took them gingerly and looked up at you. "What are these for?" Bilbo asked.

"For helping me earlier," you said. When he was about to say something, you quickly followed it with, "And for helping me countless of times before. You've always been so nice to me, always greeting and doing little things for me. They might be insignificant to others but they mean a lot."

A blush crept onto his cheeks and Bilbo did not attempt to hide this fact. There was also a smile trying to grace his lips but he cleared his throat. "Shouldn't I be the one giving you flowers though?" Bilbo said, averting his gaze.

You giggled. "It is not always the man who has to give flowers to a woman. If a man deserves to be appreciated and deserves to be given something because of his actions, he should be gifted regardless if it is a woman giving it to him or not. Everyone deserves to know that the little things they do are held dear to the hearts of the people they have helped."

At this, Bilbo could not contain his smile. He walked with you until you reached your house. You tried to invite him over for tea before he went home but Bilbo insisted that he will take the offer next time when he has something to bring.

"Although I do not know what to bring that will be better than these roses you have given me," he admitted.

"Just bring some potatoes and that will be better. I'll try to cook something for us then. Food is always a good option."

You opened your gate and turned to close it once you've entered. Looking up at Bilbo, you smiled and said, "Good night, Bilbo."

He returned your smile, and you noticed how loving his gaze was.

"Good night, (Y/N)."

This little moment did not happen often but whenever it did, it made you happy and it made you look forward for the next ones. Of course his greetings never ceased, but sometimes he was too busy to run towards you and spend the rest of the day with you. But whenever there was an opportunity, he would do everything he could, from opening the doors for you to helping you carry your basket. You would also do the same for him. In some little way, while you both still not have found the courage to confess your feelings, you conveyed your words in the thank yous you say. The little things that you do for each other allowed you to have good memories to bring wherever you go, especially when Bilbo had to leave for the Quest of Erebor. It made the days bearable.

It made you look forward to something.

It made life worth living

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